Welcome back to the blog! This, week, with so much going on in the news and life becoming more hectic, I’ve brought my focus to stillness in my spiritual practice. It’s a perfect counterbalance, and I thought these ideas might inspire you too! So, let’s start with a question: Do you ever feel like the world is just a bit “too much”? Maybe you can’t put your finger on what feels overwhelming in the moment, but some days it’s like everywhere you turn, there’s noise! Not only actual noise, like traffic and social media notifications, but also mental noise, emotional chaos, and a general sense that your brain is juggling too many things at once.For me, the biggest trigger of that state of uncomfortable noisiness is generally when I’m trying to do too many things at once. Maybe I’m editing a podcast episode, but I start trying to reply to emails at the same time! Or just trying to have a conversation when the TV is on in the background. It’s often small things like that, that can accumulate over the days or weeks, until we feel completely fried!It’s crazy how easy it is to get caught up in the external noise and forget that stillness is actually an option. For me, it’s not just an option, but an essential part of being a fully functional, happy human! And yet, in a world that practically worships busyness, the idea of doing nothing for a moment feels almost rebellious. I’m here to encourage that rebellion!The truth is, stillness isn’t about doing nothing, switching off or disconnecting. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Think of stillness as being your natural state of being; one that you switch to when the distractions are removed; a pure spiritual experience that you can connect with at any time simply by tuning back in. It’s about being present. It’s about reconnecting with yourself, tuning out the drama, and stepping back from the endless drive to “do more”. Stillness is about remembering that you are more than the stress, the worries, and the expectations you (or society) have piled onto yourself.And that’s where energy healing comes in!
Why Stillness is a Superpower…
In my Centre of Stillness Activation course, I talk a lot about how finding stillness isn’t about escaping the world - it’s about stepping into your true self. Imagine a tree: it stands strong, rooted deeply in the earth, reaching up towards the sky. It moves with the wind, but it doesn’t actively resist the wind. It bends, but it doesn’t break. It’s very much grounded, and very much going with the flow. Trees have a lot to teach us about stillness! Now, imagine yourself as that tree!When life feels overwhelming, you don’t have to fight against the storm. You don’t have to react and resist every gust of chaos. You can learn to go with the flow and move with the natural tides when you get into the habit of returning to your centre of stillness. That deep, unshakable part of you that remains constant no matter what’s happening around you is always there and you can reconnect at any time.
How Noise Traps Us in
Stress Mode…
The noise and distractions of the world can trap us in stress-mode. And the problem is, most of us don’t even realise how much noise we’re carrying around. From the moment we wake up, our senses are bombarded with information! So many of us reach for our phones first thing and immediately invite distractions into our morning.All of this external input feeds into our nervous system, triggering a low-level (or sometimes not so low-level) stress response. The body reacts as if it’s under attack -even if the “attack” is just a never-ending to-do list or an influx of Instagram stories making us feel like we should be doing something more.This heightened state, in small doses, can be great for productivity and creativity. But if it becomes a continuous state, without opportunities to reconnect with the spiritual self, we can become ill. Stress can become addictive because when we try to switch off all that noise, we are left with that same feeling that we should be doing something more, achieving something more, or planning how we will do one of those things! The cycle perpetuates itself, and suddenly, stillness seems completely out of reach.
The Magic of Tapping Into Stillness…
But here’s the good news: stillness is always available to you. No matter how busy, chaotic, or overwhelming life gets, you have the power to step back, tune in, and reset.Energy healing is one of the most powerful ways to do this. It’s like pressing the reset button on your energy field! It can allow you to find the energetic space for clearing out mental chatter, emotional heaviness, and stress-induced tension, so that you can return to your natural state of balance.If you’re ready to embrace stillness, here are some of my favourite energy healing practices to help you get there:
Centre of Stillness Activation
I’ve already mentioned this one – and it is the perfect option for bringing yourself back to centre. This attunement is designed to help you access the deep peace that already exists within you. By working with this energy, you can disconnect from external distractions and reconnect with your soul’s essence. It’s like stepping into a sanctuary of silence, no matter what’s happening around you. Learn more here.
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
Usui Reiki is one of the most comprehensive energy healing modalities. It’s a full spectrum healing system and is often used for physical healing, pain management and relaxation. It’s also fantastic for helping you wind down before bed, and many find it a great energy to work with for overcoming periods of insomnia and stress. As the original attunement-based energy healing modality, Usui Reiki is also the perfect foundation for your practice. It includes a sequence of hand positions that make giving healing treatments a mindful exercise, with a real flow. And also includes symbols that can be used to tailor the energy you channel for different purposes. For stress, working with a combination of the Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei symbols, can calm your energy and help you feel more grounded. Learn more here.
Lotus Fountain Healing
Another powerful option for bringing yourself back into flow. This modality was channelled through the goddess, Quan Yin and connects us deeply with the Yin energy as a perfect antidote to over-activity, over-thinking and generally over-doing it! This energy connects with the power of the lotus, a symbol of growth and enlightenment. It connects us with our heart-centre and allows the energy to blossom as the lotus, reconnecting us with our emotions and our highest spiritual intentions. Working with this energy during bath rituals can further amplify the effects! Learn more here.
Inner Light Reiki
This simple system reconnects you with your inner light – your soul-consciousness that resides within and which is always within reach. Working with this modality can help you to maintain a strong sense of connection with the divine, and with the spiritual aspects of the world around you. We are always connected to the Universe and our Source is always communicating with us energetically. When the noise becomes too much of a distraction, we can lose that sense of communion. That’s why I love Inner Light Reiki – it can eliminate the blocks and interference and bring us back to the light within. Learn more here.
Bringing Stillness into
Your Daily Life…
Stillness isn’t something you achieve once and then tick off your list. It’s a practice - a daily commitment to stepping back, taking a breath, and remembering that you are not your stress! You are not defined by what’s going on around you. If you become still on a good day you connect with the same inner light that you connect with if you become still on a terrible day. Some days there may be more impediments to your stillness than others – and that’s why it’s important to make it a habit. If you can do it every day no matter what life throws at you, you don’t have to worry so much about what’s coming next.
Here are a few simple ways to incorporate stillness into
your routine:
Morning Meditation
Before you check your phone in the morning, spend 5 minutes just breathing. Let yourself wake up before the world rushes in.
Digital Detox
Try setting boundaries with technology. No screens an hour before bed, or a “quiet mode” on your phone during work hours. Small changes can make a huge difference and prevent the habit of multitasking continuously.
Nature Connection
Take a walk outside, sit under a tree, or simply open a window and breathe in fresh air. Nature is the ultimate stillness teacher! If you can see a tree, reflect on the way it responds but doesn’t react to the movement of the air. See if you can tune into that power within yourself.
Energy Healing Check-In
Whether it’s a full session or just placing your hands on your heart chakra and taking a five minute break to reconnect with a favourite energy healing technique. If you habitually reach for the energies that restore your balance, when things aren’t going well you will know how to bring yourself healing.
Final Thoughts: The Power of Just Being…
In a world that constantly tells you to do more, be more, achieve more, stillness is an act of self-love that can transform your life. Those moments of inner connection remind you that you are already enough; it’s ok to stop doing for a while, and just be. So the next time life feels overwhelming, remember that stillness is your strength. And no matter how noisy the world gets, you always have the power to tune into the quiet space within.Have a fabulous week! And if you feel moved to progress your path to wholeness with some energy healing, check out the courses available at www.mayastar.netWith blessings,Maya(2nd February 2025)
Week-Ahead Energy Updates for
Starseeds, Lightworkers, Indigo
Children, Healers & Seekers with
Daily Affirmations to Inspire
Positivity & Alignment with the
Law of Attraction!
In today’s energy update, we will be looking at the dominant energetic influences and the opportunities they’re creating for us now. We will cover the potential for energetic opposition and explore ways we can circumvent problems or mitigate challenges. And finally, I’ll draw daily cards with guidance and law of attraction affirmations that you can use to align with the current energetic landscape and enhance your positive mindset.I’ve chosen the Tarot of Mystical Moments for our etheric explorations today. These cards have dreamlike imagery with lots of flowers, mermaids & surreal scenes. They reflect the traditional archetypes but with lots of imagination & a heaping of magick – adding new dimensions to the cards while staying true to the Rider-Waite system of meanings. I’m sure they will be a powerful translator of the numinous for us today. So, sit back, relax your shoulders, take a sip of chamomile tea, exhale deeply, and let’s explore…The dominant energetic influence we can tap into over the coming week for the purpose of progressing the spiritual journey & pursuing the path to wholeness is reflected in the Strength card. Strength is about owning your power & deriving confidence in yourself. It’s about recognising what you gained through the challenges you faced in the past rather than fixating on what you lost. But Strength here isn’t about force or aggression at all; it’s about the inner strength you discover when you realise you can trust & rely on yourself. The beginning of finding this inner power is making the conscious decision to love yourself & extend kindness & compassion to yourself rather than criticising & judging yourself or comparing yourself to others. This week, look for opportunities to create some healing space for yourself with self-care rituals & spiritual practices like energy healing, meditation & yoga.The second card identifies the potential opposition we may face in pursuit of the promises of the first card. And this week, this comes in the form of 7 of Wands. This isn’t a negative card, but in this position we’re dealing with the shadowed aspect of the archetype. And in shadow, the 7 of Wands can indicate feeling like your back is against the wall and that you’re under some kind of attack. This can be due to circumstances, or perhaps people around you creating friction and triggering your anxiety. But whatever the cause, there’s always something you can do about it. Shift your perspective by bringing your focus to self-care and healing. Make time to ground yourself with practical activities that help you burn off your nervous energy like cleaning the house, going to the gym or decluttering your wardrobe. This card can also be a reminder that you have the experience to deal with difficult times and difficult people. There’s nothing to worry or stress about. You’ve got this.And now we turn to the daily cards for the week-ahead. These cards depict & define the archetypal energetic influences we can harness to optimise our personal power & increase our inspiration in the coming days.Monday 3rd February 2025…2 of Swords…If you’ve been holding back or sitting on the fence, it’s time to dissolve the deadlock & make a decision today! Define your destiny by doing things differently. The Universe reminds you that confidence in your divine self isn’t misplaced. You have reserves of untapped potential within. Affirm: “I align with progress & prosper prolifically”Tuesday 4th February 2025…Queen of Pentacles…You thrive & prosper today! Comfort, calmness & contentment reign supreme. Abundance flows from your fingertips to weave a sumptuous mantle of magnificence around you. The Universe reminds you that you can make the mundane magickal through the expression of gratitude. Affirm: “Everything is good & great & brilliant & beautiful”Wednesday 5th February 2025…10 of Cups…Extravagant energies encourage you to dream bigger! Blessings & beneficence abound & bountiful benevolence is demonstrated in your life. The Universe reminds you that bringing your focus to what you enjoy can be a perfect prayer. Celebrate the small things & big things will happen today. Affirm: “I am prospered & protected by divine love”Thursday 6th February 2025…3 of Pentacles…Combined efforts reap the rewards today. Whether you’re learning from someone else, or sharing your wisdom with others, collaboration is key to your success & satisfaction. The Universe reminds you that you hold the power to change your destiny in every moment. Affirm: “Through uniqueness & magick I shine & align”Friday 7th February 2025…The Emperor…You have the power to make things happen! You’re in the driving seat of your life & today’s your day for getting things done. Stay in your lane so that distractions don’t dampen your determination. The Universe reminds you that discipline & doggedness demonstrate your dominance. Affirm: “Sovereignty is my strength. Success is my story”Saturday 8th February 2025…6 of Wands…Your progress has been noted by the Universe & today you’re invited to celebrate your accomplishments! Appreciate recent growth & indulge your ego enough to enjoy taking a bow. The Universe reminds you that drawing satisfaction from your success can be a sacred ritual. Affirm: “I inspire myself to greatness through gratitude”Sunday 9th February 2025…Ace of Wands…Whatever you do today, do it with power & passion! Jump in with both feet & be ok with making waves. Those around you are inspired by your boundless brilliance. The Universe reminds you that wherever you direct your energy, things enlarge, expand & evolve. Affirm: “I decide my destiny with action”PREVIOUSMAYA MUSES BLOG DIRECTORY--------------------------------------------Mayastar Energy Healing AttunementsPersonal Energy Healing SessionsMaya Magickal SpellsHealing Journey Tarot Readings--------------------------------------------ALM FacebookMayastar FacebookTwitter-XMayastar on YouTubePinterestInstagramWordpress
Welcome back to the blog! This, week, with so much going on in the news and life becoming more hectic, I’ve brought my focus to stillness in my spiritual practice. It’s a perfect counterbalance, and I thought these ideas might inspire you too! So, let’s start with a question: Do you ever feel like the world is just a bit “too much”? Maybe you can’t put your finger on what feels overwhelming in the moment, but some days it’s like everywhere you turn, there’s noise! Not only actual noise, like traffic and social media notifications, but also mental noise, emotional chaos, and a general sense that your brain is juggling too many things at once.For me, the biggest trigger of that state of uncomfortable noisiness is generally when I’m trying to do too many things at once. Maybe I’m editing a podcast episode, but I start trying to reply to emails at the same time! Or just trying to have a conversation when the TV is on in the background. It’s often small things like that, that can accumulate over the days or weeks, until we feel completely fried!It’s crazy how easy it is to get caught up in the external noise and forget that stillness is actually an option. For me, it’s not just an option, but an essential part of being a fully functional, happy human! And yet, in a world that practically worships busyness, the idea of doing nothing for a moment feels almost rebellious. I’m here to encourage that rebellion!The truth is, stillness isn’t about doing nothing, switching off or disconnecting. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Think of stillness as being your natural state of being; one that you switch to when the distractions are removed; a pure spiritual experience that you can connect with at any time simply by tuning back in. It’s about being present. It’s about reconnecting with yourself, tuning out the drama, and stepping back from the endless drive to “do more”. Stillness is about remembering that you are more than the stress, the worries, and the expectations you (or society) have piled onto yourself.And that’s where energy healing comes in!
Why Stillness is a Superpower…
In my Centre of Stillness Activation course, I talk a lot about how finding stillness isn’t about escaping the world - it’s about stepping into your true self. Imagine a tree: it stands strong, rooted deeply in the earth, reaching up towards the sky. It moves with the wind, but it doesn’t actively resist the wind. It bends, but it doesn’t break. It’s very much grounded, and very much going with the flow. Trees have a lot to teach us about stillness! Now, imagine yourself as that tree!When life feels overwhelming, you don’t have to fight against the storm. You don’t have to react and resist every gust of chaos. You can learn to go with the flow and move with the natural tides when you get into the habit of returning to your centre of stillness. That deep, unshakable part of you that remains constant no matter what’s happening around you is always there and you can reconnect at any time.
How Noise
Traps Us in
Stress Mode…
The noise and distractions of the world can trap us in stress-mode. And the problem is, most of us don’t even realise how much noise we’re carrying around. From the moment we wake up, our senses are bombarded with information! So many of us reach for our phones first thing and immediately invite distractions into our morning.All of this external input feeds into our nervous system, triggering a low-level (or sometimes not so low-level) stress response. The body reacts as if it’s under attack -even if the “attack” is just a never-ending to-do list or an influx of Instagram stories making us feel like we should be doing something more.This heightened state, in small doses, can be great for productivity and creativity. But if it becomes a continuous state, without opportunities to reconnect with the spiritual self, we can become ill. Stress can become addictive because when we try to switch off all that noise, we are left with that same feeling that we should be doing something more, achieving something more, or planning how we will do one of those things! The cycle perpetuates itself, and suddenly, stillness seems completely out of reach.
The Magic of Tapping Into
But here’s the good news: stillness is always available to you. No matter how busy, chaotic, or overwhelming life gets, you have the power to step back, tune in, and reset.Energy healing is one of the most powerful ways to do this. It’s like pressing the reset button on your energy field! It can allow you to find the energetic space for clearing out mental chatter, emotional heaviness, and stress-induced tension, so that you can return to your natural state of balance.If you’re ready to embrace stillness, here are some of my favourite energy healing practices to help you get there:
Centre of Stillness Activation
I’ve already mentioned this one – and it is the perfect option for bringing yourself back to centre. This attunement is designed to help you access the deep peace that already exists within you. By working with this energy, you can disconnect from external distractions and reconnect with your soul’s essence. It’s like stepping into a sanctuary of silence, no matter what’s happening around you. Learn more here.
Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki
Usui Reiki is one of the most comprehensive energy healing modalities. It’s a full spectrum healing system and is often used for physical healing, pain management and relaxation. It’s also fantastic for helping you wind down before bed, and many find it a great energy to work with for overcoming periods of insomnia and stress. As the original attunement-based energy healing modality, Usui Reiki is also the perfect foundation for your practice. It includes a sequence of hand positions that make giving healing treatments a mindful exercise, with a real flow. And also includes symbols that can be used to tailor the energy you channel for different purposes. For stress, working with a combination of the Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei symbols, can calm your energy and help you feel more grounded. Learn more here.
Lotus Fountain Healing
Another powerful option for bringing yourself back into flow. This modality was channelled through the goddess, Quan Yin and connects us deeply with the Yin energy as a perfect antidote to over-activity, over-thinking and generally over-doing it! This energy connects with the power of the lotus, a symbol of growth and enlightenment. It connects us with our heart-centre and allows the energy to blossom as the lotus, reconnecting us with our emotions and our highest spiritual intentions. Working with this energy during bath rituals can further amplify the effects! Learn more here.
Inner Light Reiki
This simple system reconnects you with your inner light – your soul-consciousness that resides within and which is always within reach. Working with this modality can help you to maintain a strong sense of connection with the divine, and with the spiritual aspects of the world around you. We are always connected to the Universe and our Source is always communicating with us energetically. When the noise becomes too much of a distraction, we can lose that sense of communion. That’s why I love Inner Light Reiki – it can eliminate the blocks and interference and bring us back to the light within. Learn more here.
into Your
Daily Life…
Stillness isn’t something you achieve once and then tick off your list. It’s a practice - a daily commitment to stepping back, taking a breath, and remembering that you are not your stress! You are not defined by what’s going on around you. If you become still on a good day you connect with the same inner light that you connect with if you become still on a terrible day. Some days there may be more impediments to your stillness than others – and that’s why it’s important to make it a habit. If you can do it every day no matter what life throws at you, you don’t have to worry so much about what’s coming next.
Here are a few simple ways to
incorporate stillness into your
Morning Meditation
Before you check your phone in the morning, spend 5 minutes just breathing. Let yourself wake up before the world rushes in.
Digital Detox
Try setting boundaries with technology. No screens an hour before bed, or a “quiet mode” on your phone during work hours. Small changes can make a huge difference and prevent the habit of multitasking continuously.
Nature Connection
Take a walk outside, sit under a tree, or simply open a window and breathe in fresh air. Nature is the ultimate stillness teacher! If you can see a tree, reflect on the way it responds but doesn’t react to the movement of the air. See if you can tune into that power within yourself.
Energy Healing Check-In
Whether it’s a full session or just placing your hands on your heart chakra and taking a five minute break to reconnect with a favourite energy healing technique. If you habitually reach for the energies that restore your balance, when things aren’t going well you will know how to bring yourself healing.
Final Thoughts: The Power of Just
In a world that constantly tells you to do more, be more, achieve more, stillness is an act of self-love that can transform your life. Those moments of inner connection remind you that you are already enough; it’s ok to stop doing for a while, and just be. So the next time life feels overwhelming, remember that stillness is your strength. And no matter how noisy the world gets, you always have the power to tune into the quiet space within.Have a fabulous week! And if you feel moved to progress your path to wholeness with some energy healing, check out the courses available at www.mayastar.netWith blessings,Maya(2nd February 2025)
Energy Updates
for Starseeds,
Healers &
Seekers with
Affirmations to
Positivity &
Alignment with the Law of
In today’s energy update, we will be looking at the dominant energetic influences and the opportunities they’re creating for us now. We will cover the potential for energetic opposition and explore ways we can circumvent problems or mitigate challenges. And finally, I’ll draw daily cards with guidance and law of attraction affirmations that you can use to align with the current energetic landscape and enhance your positive mindset.I’ve chosen the Tarot of Mystical Moments for our etheric explorations today. These cards have dreamlike imagery with lots of flowers, mermaids & surreal scenes. They reflect the traditional archetypes but with lots of imagination & a heaping of magick – adding new dimensions to the cards while staying true to the Rider-Waite system of meanings. I’m sure they will be a powerful translator of the numinous for us today. So, sit back, relax your shoulders, take a sip of chamomile tea, exhale deeply, and let’s explore…The dominant energetic influence we can tap into over the coming week for the purpose of progressing the spiritual journey & pursuing the path to wholeness is reflected in the Strength card. Strength is about owning your power & deriving confidence in yourself. It’s about recognising what you gained through the challenges you faced in the past rather than fixating on what you lost. But Strength here isn’t about force or aggression at all; it’s about the inner strength you discover when you realise you can trust & rely on yourself. The beginning of finding this inner power is making the conscious decision to love yourself & extend kindness & compassion to yourself rather than criticising & judging yourself or comparing yourself to others. This week, look for opportunities to create some healing space for yourself with self-care rituals & spiritual practices like energy healing, meditation & yoga.The second card identifies the potential opposition we may face in pursuit of the promises of the first card. And this week, this comes in the form of 7 of Wands. This isn’t a negative card, but in this position we’re dealing with the shadowed aspect of the archetype. And in shadow, the 7 of Wands can indicate feeling like your back is against the wall and that you’re under some kind of attack. This can be due to circumstances, or perhaps people around you creating friction and triggering your anxiety. But whatever the cause, there’s always something you can do about it. Shift your perspective by bringing your focus to self-care and healing. Make time to ground yourself with practical activities that help you burn off your nervous energy like cleaning the house, going to the gym or decluttering your wardrobe. This card can also be a reminder that you have the experience to deal with difficult times and difficult people. There’s nothing to worry or stress about. You’ve got this.And now we turn to the daily cards for the week-ahead. These cards depict & define the archetypal energetic influences we can harness to optimise our personal power & increase our inspiration in the coming days.Monday 3rd February 2025…2 of Swords…If you’ve been holding back or sitting on the fence, it’s time to dissolve the deadlock & make a decision today! Define your destiny by doing things differently. The Universe reminds you that confidence in your divine self isn’t misplaced. You have reserves of untapped potential within. Affirm: “I align with progress & prosper prolifically”Tuesday 4th February 2025…Queen of Pentacles…You thrive & prosper today! Comfort, calmness & contentment reign supreme. Abundance flows from your fingertips to weave a sumptuous mantle of magnificence around you. The Universe reminds you that you can make the mundane magickal through the expression of gratitude. Affirm: “Everything is good & great & brilliant & beautiful”Wednesday 5th February 2025…10 of Cups…Extravagant energies encourage you to dream bigger! Blessings & beneficence abound & bountiful benevolence is demonstrated in your life. The Universe reminds you that bringing your focus to what you enjoy can be a perfect prayer. Celebrate the small things & big things will happen today. Affirm: “I am prospered & protected by divine love”Thursday 6th February 2025…3 of Pentacles…Combined efforts reap the rewards today. Whether you’re learning from someone else, or sharing your wisdom with others, collaboration is key to your success & satisfaction. The Universe reminds you that you hold the power to change your destiny in every moment. Affirm: “Through uniqueness & magick I shine & align”Friday 7th February 2025…The Emperor…You have the power to make things happen! You’re in the driving seat of your life & today’s your day for getting things done. Stay in your lane so that distractions don’t dampen your determination. The Universe reminds you that discipline & doggedness demonstrate your dominance. Affirm: “Sovereignty is my strength. Success is my story”Saturday 8th February 2025…6 of Wands…Your progress has been noted by the Universe & today you’re invited to celebrate your accomplishments! Appreciate recent growth & indulge your ego enough to enjoy taking a bow. The Universe reminds you that drawing satisfaction from your success can be a sacred ritual. Affirm: “I inspire myself to greatness through gratitude”Sunday 9th February 2025…Ace of Wands…Whatever you do today, do it with power & passion! Jump in with both feet & be ok with making waves. Those around you are inspired by your boundless brilliance. The Universe reminds you that wherever you direct your energy, things enlarge, expand & evolve. Affirm: “I decide my destiny with action”PREVIOUSDIRECTORY------------------------------------------Mayastar Energy Healing AttunementsPersonal Energy Healing SessionsMaya Magickal SpellsHealing Journey Tarot Readings------------------------------------------ALM FacebookMayastar FacebookTwitter-XMayastar on YouTubePinterestInstagramWordpress