Dark and dramatic image of Maya
Maya Muses Footer for Main Variant
Anna Louise May (Mayastar) 2025
maya muses blog of energy healing, spiritual awakening and guidance for starseeds, lightworkers, indigo children and spiritul seekers
maya muses blog of energy healing, spiritual awakening and guidance for starseeds, lightworkers, indigo children and spiritul seekers 2
shamanic moon magick ritual for drawing down the moon power of the great mother goddess
blessings of the lemurian mother goddess amara - moon magick ritual
lightworker starseed with the power of nature within

Maya Muses is the Official Mayastar Blog with Daily Spiritual Guidance &

Mystical Musings for Inspiration on your Healing & Ascension Journey

Read the NEW Lightworker Revolution Article NEXT Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Intensive: 27th Feb 2025 NEXT Luring Moon Abundance 30-Day Intensive: 14th March 2025 SPECIAL OFFER: Multidimensional Self Flush Empowerment Course SPECIAL OFFER: Melusine Dance of Mystery & Magick Tantric Shamanic Ritual Latest Mayastar Courses PREVIOUS MAYA MUSES BLOG DIRECTORY

The Goddess, The Moon &

Self-Love Rituals: Embracing

Divine Feminine Energy…

We’re currently in some beautifully mystical energies as the Full Moon approaches. February brings the “Snow Moon” – a time for renewal and the early signs of transformation as the habits we cultivated for the New Year begin to manifest changes in the outer world. The Imbolc festival that marks the turning of the wheel of the year, and the resurgence of the light was on the 2nd February – and this is a time for connecting with the divine feminine current as it marks a celebration day for the goddess Yemaya. I celebrate this time with rituals to connect with the Great Mother Goddess as an oceanic goddess in the form of the Lemurian goddess, Amara. I work with Amara a great deal for my personal spiritual growth and healing practices; and tap into her creative flow to enhance my own creative projects.

A Powerful Convergence: Valentine’s Day, Full Snow Moon

& the Imbolc Festival…

This time of year marks an important milestone in my personal “Wheel of the Year”: The lunar new year began at the end of January, and the Full Snow Moon on the 12th falls close to Valentine’s Day – and whether you participate in this celebration or not, the fact that millions of people all around the world are acknowledging the event means that energetically, there is a lot to tap into over this time! So today I’m going to talk about some of the energies at play, and how you might harness them as part of your own spiritual practice.

Yemaya & Amara: Reflections of the Great Mother Goddess


The Goddess of the Moon and the Ocean is a recurring figure across countless cultures, appearing in different forms, but with the same qualities and sharing many similarities in their mythology. The Great Mother Goddess is the nurturer, the healer, the bringer of wisdom, love, and transformation. Her energy is most potent around the Full Moon and as such, many people choose to connect with her energy at that time. She governs the changing tides and the mysteries of the invisible realms. She is deeply connected with the unconscious mind, intuition and spiritual healing. In some pagan traditions, Yemaya is the great Ocean Mother, the divine force that nurtures all life, protects her children, and governs the mysterious depths of the sea. She is both fierce and loving, embodying the gentle flow of the waves and the powerful force of the storm. In Voodoo, she is reflected in Lasiren, the mermaid Loa of the deep, associated with wealth, beauty, and the mysteries of the subconscious. But if we look back even further to ancient Lemuria, we find Amara, the Lemurian Mother Goddess, who mirrors Yemaya in so many ways. As a Lemurian Priestess devoted to Amara, and channelling her energy through my creative projects and energy healing attunement courses, I have developed a close relationship with the Great Mother Goddess, reflected through Amara. Channelled guidance indicates that Amara was a creator goddess, providing nurturing and protection, healing and spiritual gifts to those who aligned their energy with hers. And still today, her powerful archetypal presence is felt by those drawn to New Age spirituality and the sacred rituals of the divine feminine. Connecting with Amara can help us to appreciate the importance of going with the cosmic flow – of moving in accordance with the natural tides of life rather than continuously swimming against them. This Full Snow Moon is a perfect time to honour the archetypal Goddess of the Moon and Ocean - whether you connect with Yemaya, Amara, or simply the divine feminine energy that exists within and around us all, I hope this sacred time enriches your soul!

Full Moon Goddess Worship Rituals & Sacred Offerings:

The Spiritual Power of Coconut…

When we connect with the divine feminine, it’s a good idea to incorporate elements into our rituals and spiritual practices that help our minds and energies to stay tuned to the frequency we want to connect with. And when I’m working with Amara (or Yemaya), I like to include shells, white and blue ritual tools, water and white foods – especially coconut. Coconuts are not actually nuts – they’re a fruit with a hard shell. And they have many practical uses, as well as healing benefits and spiritual correspondences. Coconut can be used to make ropes, bowls, musical instruments and jewellery. Coconut water is known for its electrolyte content – making it a healthy and refreshing drink in hot weather or at the gym! The flesh of the coconut can be eaten in sweet and savoury foods. It can be dried or eaten fresh, and it’s very high in healthy fats. The medium chain triglycerides in coconut are digested quickly, making it a great source of energy – especially for those who want to pursue a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet! Coconut is also credited with many healing properties; it is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal; it can help digestion, moisturise dry skin or hair, and aid digestion. In many ways we can consider it a superfood! Coconut is also used as a sacred food, often given as an offering to Yemaya, Amara or the Great Mother Goddess of the Ocean. In spiritual traditions like Santeria and Voodoo, the coconut is used in cleansing and protection rituals, love spells and prosperity workings. It can be added to spiritual baths to cool the body and restore the calm yin current. We can use a coconut bowl for offerings, or fill one with water to use for scrying during ritual work. Or we might want to add water and salt to a coconut bowl as a symbol of the womb of the Ocean Goddess for fertility and creativity-centred goals in our ritual work. Choosing coconut scented incenses, oils, perfumes or candles might be a good way to bring the magick of coconut into your practice.

The Full Snow Moon & Sacred

Love: Honouring the Divine

Feminine with Self-Love &


With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love is in the air! But it doesn’t have to be cliché – and it doesn’t have to centre around red roses, chocolates and greeting cards! This year, why not tap into the spiritual potential of the season with some REAL love. Real love is spiritual love and it starts from within. If you don’t love yourself, your capacity to share love with others is limited. If you’re caught in a cycle of people-pleasing and self-neglect, you’re not alone! A lot of people fall into that trap and continue in that unbalanced way until life forces them to course-correct. You can choose to be proactive in your healing though and one of the ways to do that is to make self-love part of your healing practice. Learning to forgive yourself and extend kindness and compassion to yourself is very important for your spiritual awakening. If you preach “love and light”, but then fail to extend love and light to yourself, through your actions you’re sending a message to the Universe about the conditional nature of the love you’re prepared to experience in life. Loving yourself can radically shift your perspective and energy. And connecting with the goddess through energy healing practices, meditations and rituals can be a powerful choice.

Here are some Full Moon Ritual ideas to get you started:

Moonlight Meditation

Sit outside under the Full Moon, place your hands over your heart chakra, and breathe in the healing lunar energy. You may want to gaze at the moon with a soft focus, allowing her light to fill your vision, and feeling that same silvery light, surrounding you and suffusing your energy field.

Moon Bathing

This one might not be suitable for those in the Northern hemisphere at this time of year, but lying under the moonlight to draw in the healing energies is an ancient practice. This ritual is reflected in many spiritual traditions where it is used to enhance intuition and awaken spiritual gifts; others believe that moon bathing can reduce stress, improve sleep, balance emotions, boost fertility and reduce inflammation. Moon bathing is also thought to be particularly effective for women's health, as the moon is linked to the pituitary gland, which regulates hormones related to the menstrual cycle. It’s certainly a practice worthy of experimentation!

Energy Healing

There are a number of energy healing attunements that I’ve channelled, and that I’ve worked with over the years that I would recommend to anyone wishing to connect more deeply with these energies. We’ll explore some of the best options in the next section…

Energies to Connect with for Spiritual Practices & Rituals

Aligned with Amara or Yemaya…

Goddess Yemaya’s Bequeathal – This is one of the Emissaries of the Light Series of attunements and is great for connecting with the divine feminine current, inner child healing, developing self- love and overcoming emotional trauma – especially childhood trauma. She can also help us to move beyond the limitations of a victim-mindset by gently encouraging us to awaken to our own power and potential. Her energy is nurturing and supportive, and her presence can be felt more strongly around the full moon. Read more… Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement – Part of the Wheel of Light Starseed Activation courses, this energy healing attunement connects you with the ancient Lemurian mother goddess. The Great Mother Goddess Amara is the archetypal High Priestess of the New Age. As the spiritual mother of Indigo Children, Starseeds, and Lightworkers, she guides us towards greater authenticity by aligning us with our higher spiritual selves. Connecting with the divine feminine current enhances our psychic and extra-sensory gifts, increases our intuition, and can help us develop our creativity. As an oceanic goddess, Amara helps us access our unconscious mind for healing and awakens us to the world's magick by increasing our sensitivity to the energetic realms of the Collective Unconscious or Akashic Records. Read more… Ocean Mother Full Moon Initiation – This energy healing attunement helps you to harness the transformative energy of the Ocean Mother. It connects you to the divine feminine, lunar wisdom, and oceanic mysteries; it awakens your connection to the goddess energy within and around you, promoting personal empowerment, healing, and the awakening of your spiritual gifts. This energy can also be used for self-healing, and self- empowerment rituals. If you are an empath that struggles to manage your gift and protect your own energy field, working with this energy can help you to strengthen your natural protection. The Ocean Mother can also support you in releasing what no longer serves you in order to create space in your life to manifest your highest good. Read more… I hope these musings have given you some inspiration and encouragement. If you choose to take any of the courses detailed above, I look forward to working with you. And in the meantime, I wish you a magickal & miraculous Full Snow Moon! May the Goddess guide you and embrace you with loving light on your journey to wholeness. With blessings, Maya (8th February 2025)

Week-Ahead Energy Updates for

Starseeds, Lightworkers, Indigo

Children, Healers & Seekers with

Daily Affirmations to Inspire

Positivity & Alignment with the

Law of Attraction!

In today’s energy update, we will be looking at the dominant energetic influences and the opportunities they’re creating for us now. We will cover the potential for energetic opposition and explore ways we can circumvent problems or mitigate challenges. And finally, I’ll draw daily cards with guidance and law of attraction affirmations that you can use to align with the current energetic landscape and enhance your positive mindset. I’ve chosen the Pre-Raphaelite Tarot for our reading today. This is a Rider- Waite style deck with the traditional symbolism & characters reflected in the style of Pre-Raphaelite art & featuring some familiar faces for those familiar with the style! The vibrant colours & romantic scenes are captivating & reflect the archetypes perfectly. I’m sure this deck will be a powerful translator of the numinous for us today. So, sit back, relax your shoulders, take a sip of chamomile tea, exhale deeply, and let’s explore… The dominant energetic influence we can tap into over the coming days for the purpose of progressing the spiritual path & pursuing wholeness is reflected in the Hanged Man. This archetype offers us an opportunity to step outside of ourselves and our lives to observe how things are unfolding, allowing us to make changes where we need to or identify areas that things might be improved. It can be hard to disconnect when modern life makes so many demands on your time and attention, but this week, setting aside some time to step away and really appreciate the bigger picture of your life will progress your path in the long run. Suspend your judgement and relax your mind to create space for the Universe to work its magick and manifest miracles in your life. The second card identifies the potential opposition we may face in pursuit of the promises of the first card. And this week, this comes in the form of the Knight of Wands. This is in no way a negative card, but in this position we’re looking at the shadow-aspect of the archetype. The Knight of Wands can have problems with impulse control – which could block you from maintaining your cool, calm approach this week. This archetype also suggests problems might arise from ignoring red flags, or trying to see the good in people to an unhealthy extent. Be mindful of who you connect with this week, and be mindful of where you put your energy. Take action only on things that resonate with your highest spiritual aspirations. And now we turn to the daily cards for the week-ahead. These cards depict & define the archetypal energetic influences we can harness to optimise our personal power & increase our inspiration in the coming days. Monday 10th February 2025…3 of Cups…Be open to the opportunities & the Universe will give you something to smile about! Acknowledge the bounteous blessings & endless enchantment expressed in every majestic moment. The Universe reminds you that everything & everybody is a miraculous manifestation of love. Affirm: “Always & in all ways, I prosper” Tuesday 11th February 2025…Page of Swords…Where you place your attention, you place your power. Rise above fear & limitation by opening your mind to new possibilities. The Universe reminds you that every day brings you closer to happiness when you choose the words & ways that align with your soul. Affirm: “I dance towards my divine destiny” Wednesday 12th February 2025…8 of Pentacles…Channel your energy into developing skills to find your grounding today. Artistic projects offer opportunities for spiritual expression. Your inner light can be shared with the world through your creativity. The Universe reminds you that every act of will is an act of magick. Affirm: “My heart is open to the magickal & miraculous” Thursday 13th February 2025…The High Priestess…Secret & sacred knowledge is held within, so seek spiritual support through your higher self during your meditations today. The Universe reminds you that your intuition & dreams communicate important messages, but its in silence that you’ll hear them most clearly. Keep your own counsel & follow your own path. Affirm: “Peace is my path. Love is my legacy.” Friday 14th February 2025…The Magician…Your skills & savvy come to the fore today. Your talents are fine-tuned & progressive paths are primed. The Universe reminds you that you have grown in expertise & wisdom. Harness the magick of your experience by reflecting on your past accomplishments to inspire yourself today. Affirm: “I am authentically aligned with abundance & expansion” Saturday 15th February 2025…5 of Pentacles…Empower yourself by consciously moving your mind away from thoughts of lack, limitation & lamentation. Define your direction by visualising positive outcomes & inspire yourself by imagining just how brilliantly things could go! The Universe reminds you that energy flows where your attention goes. Affirm: “I manifest miracles & magick” Sunday 16th February 2025…Queen of Swords…You’ve worked hard to get where you are today, so don’t allow others’ criticisms & complaints to dent your self-esteem. Maintain healthy boundaries & keep your own counsel. You can be confident in yourself & your abilities. The Universe reminds you that other peoples’ judgements reflect their truth, not yours. Affirm: “Sovereignty is my strength” PREVIOUS MAYA MUSES BLOG DIRECTORY -------------------------------------------- Mayastar Energy Healing Attunements Personal Energy Healing Sessions Maya Magickal Spells Healing Journey Tarot Readings -------------------------------------------- ALM Facebook Mayastar Facebook Twitter-X Mayastar on YouTube Pinterest Instagram Wordpress
goddess of the earth - mother gaia - connection with nature and animal medicine
mayastar for maya muses - goddess freya preraphaelite
moon goddess ritual for imbolc and the full snow moon
lemurian starseed priestess goddess ritual
blue moon magick with the lemurian goddess amara - abundance ritual
Background Dark Image of Anna Louise May
Maya Muses Page Footer for Mobile Website
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
maya muses blog of energy healing, spiritual awakening and guidance for starseeds, lightworkers, indigo children and spiritul seekers
maya muses blog of energy healing, spiritual awakening and guidance for starseeds, lightworkers, indigo children and spiritul seekers 2

Maya Muses is the Official Mayastar Blog

with Daily Spiritual Guidance & Mystical

Musings for Inspiration on your Healing &

Ascension Journey

Read the NEW Lightworker Revolution Article NEXT Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Intensive: 27th Feb 2025 NEXT Luring Moon Abundance 30-Day Intensive: 14th March 2025 SPECIAL OFFER: Multidimensional Self Flush Empowerment Course SPECIAL OFFER: Melusine Dance of Mystery & Magick Tantric Shamanic Ritual Latest Mayastar Courses PREVIOUS DIRECTORY

The Goddess,

The Moon &




Divine Feminine


We’re currently in some beautifully mystical energies as the Full Moon approaches. February brings the “Snow Moon” – a time for renewal and the early signs of transformation as the habits we cultivated for the New Year begin to manifest changes in the outer world. The Imbolc festival that marks the turning of the wheel of the year, and the resurgence of the light was on the 2nd February – and this is a time for connecting with the divine feminine current as it marks a celebration day for the goddess Yemaya. I celebrate this time with rituals to connect with the Great Mother Goddess as an oceanic goddess in the form of the Lemurian goddess, Amara. I work with Amara a great deal for my personal spiritual growth and healing practices; and tap into her creative flow to enhance my own creative projects.

A Powerful Convergence:

Valentine’s Day, Full Snow Moon

& the Imbolc Festival…

This time of year marks an important milestone in my personal “Wheel of the Year”: The lunar new year began at the end of January, and the Full Snow Moon on the 12th falls close to Valentine’s Day – and whether you participate in this celebration or not, the fact that millions of people all around the world are acknowledging the event means that energetically, there is a lot to tap into over this time! So today I’m going to talk about some of the energies at play, and how you might harness them as part of your own spiritual practice.

Yemaya & Amara: Reflections of

the Great Mother Goddess


The Goddess of the Moon and the Ocean is a recurring figure across countless cultures, appearing in different forms, but with the same qualities and sharing many similarities in their mythology. The Great Mother Goddess is the nurturer, the healer, the bringer of wisdom, love, and transformation. Her energy is most potent around the Full Moon and as such, many people choose to connect with her energy at that time. She governs the changing tides and the mysteries of the invisible realms. She is deeply connected with the unconscious mind, intuition and spiritual healing. In some pagan traditions, Yemaya is the great Ocean Mother, the divine force that nurtures all life, protects her children, and governs the mysterious depths of the sea. She is both fierce and loving, embodying the gentle flow of the waves and the powerful force of the storm. In Voodoo, she is reflected in Lasiren, the mermaid Loa of the deep, associated with wealth, beauty, and the mysteries of the subconscious. But if we look back even further to ancient Lemuria, we find Amara, the Lemurian Mother Goddess, who mirrors Yemaya in so many ways. As a Lemurian Priestess devoted to Amara, and channelling her energy through my creative projects and energy healing attunement courses, I have developed a close relationship with the Great Mother Goddess, reflected through Amara. Channelled guidance indicates that Amara was a creator goddess, providing nurturing and protection, healing and spiritual gifts to those who aligned their energy with hers. And still today, her powerful archetypal presence is felt by those drawn to New Age spirituality and the sacred rituals of the divine feminine. Connecting with Amara can help us to appreciate the importance of going with the cosmic flow – of moving in accordance with the natural tides of life rather than continuously swimming against them. This Full Snow Moon is a perfect time to honour the archetypal Goddess of the Moon and Ocean - whether you connect with Yemaya, Amara, or simply the divine feminine energy that exists within and around us all, I hope this sacred time enriches your soul!

Full Moon Goddess Worship

Rituals & Sacred Offerings: The

Spiritual Power of Coconut…

When we connect with the divine feminine, it’s a good idea to incorporate elements into our rituals and spiritual practices that help our minds and energies to stay tuned to the frequency we want to connect with. And when I’m working with Amara (or Yemaya), I like to include shells, white and blue ritual tools, water and white foods – especially coconut. Coconuts are not actually nuts – they’re a fruit with a hard shell. And they have many practical uses, as well as healing benefits and spiritual correspondences. Coconut can be used to make ropes, bowls, musical instruments and jewellery. Coconut water is known for its electrolyte content – making it a healthy and refreshing drink in hot weather or at the gym! The flesh of the coconut can be eaten in sweet and savoury foods. It can be dried or eaten fresh, and it’s very high in healthy fats. The medium chain triglycerides in coconut are digested quickly, making it a great source of energy – especially for those who want to pursue a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet! Coconut is also credited with many healing properties; it is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal; it can help digestion, moisturise dry skin or hair, and aid digestion. In many ways we can consider it a superfood! Coconut is also used as a sacred food, often given as an offering to Yemaya, Amara or the Great Mother Goddess of the Ocean. In spiritual traditions like Santeria and Voodoo, the coconut is used in cleansing and protection rituals, love spells and prosperity workings. It can be added to spiritual baths to cool the body and restore the calm yin current. We can use a coconut bowl for offerings, or fill one with water to use for scrying during ritual work. Or we might want to add water and salt to a coconut bowl as a symbol of the womb of the Ocean Goddess for fertility and creativity-centred goals in our ritual work. Choosing coconut scented incenses, oils, perfumes or candles might be a good way to bring the magick of coconut into your practice.

The Full Snow

Moon &

Sacred Love:


the Divine

Feminine with

Self-Love &


With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love is in the air! But it doesn’t have to be cliché – and it doesn’t have to centre around red roses, chocolates and greeting cards! This year, why not tap into the spiritual potential of the season with some REAL love. Real love is spiritual love and it starts from within. If you don’t love yourself, your capacity to share love with others is limited. If you’re caught in a cycle of people-pleasing and self- neglect, you’re not alone! A lot of people fall into that trap and continue in that unbalanced way until life forces them to course-correct. You can choose to be proactive in your healing though and one of the ways to do that is to make self-love part of your healing practice. Learning to forgive yourself and extend kindness and compassion to yourself is very important for your spiritual awakening. If you preach “love and light”, but then fail to extend love and light to yourself, through your actions you’re sending a message to the Universe about the conditional nature of the love you’re prepared to experience in life. Loving yourself can radically shift your perspective and energy. And connecting with the goddess through energy healing practices, meditations and rituals can be a powerful choice.

Here are some Full Moon Ritual

ideas to get you started:

Moonlight Meditation

Sit outside under the Full Moon, place your hands over your heart chakra, and breathe in the healing lunar energy. You may want to gaze at the moon with a soft focus, allowing her light to fill your vision, and feeling that same silvery light, surrounding you and suffusing your energy field.

Moon Bathing

This one might not be suitable for those in the Northern hemisphere at this time of year, but lying under the moonlight to draw in the healing energies is an ancient practice. This ritual is reflected in many spiritual traditions where it is used to enhance intuition and awaken spiritual gifts; others believe that moon bathing can reduce stress, improve sleep, balance emotions, boost fertility and reduce inflammation. Moon bathing is also thought to be particularly effective for women's health, as the moon is linked to the pituitary gland, which regulates hormones related to the menstrual cycle. It’s certainly a practice worthy of experimentation!

Energy Healing

There are a number of energy healing attunements that I’ve channelled, and that I’ve worked with over the years that I would recommend to anyone wishing to connect more deeply with these energies. We’ll explore some of the best options in the next section…

Energies to Connect with for

Spiritual Practices & Rituals

Aligned with Amara or Yemaya…

Goddess Yemaya’s Bequeathal – This is one of the Emissaries of the Light Series of attunements and is great for connecting with the divine feminine current, inner child healing, developing self-love and overcoming emotional trauma – especially childhood trauma. She can also help us to move beyond the limitations of a victim-mindset by gently encouraging us to awaken to our own power and potential. Her energy is nurturing and supportive, and her presence can be felt more strongly around the full moon. Read more… Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement – Part of the Wheel of Light Starseed Activation courses, this energy healing attunement connects you with the ancient Lemurian mother goddess. The Great Mother Goddess Amara is the archetypal High Priestess of the New Age. As the spiritual mother of Indigo Children, Starseeds, and Lightworkers, she guides us towards greater authenticity by aligning us with our higher spiritual selves. Connecting with the divine feminine current enhances our psychic and extra-sensory gifts, increases our intuition, and can help us develop our creativity. As an oceanic goddess, Amara helps us access our unconscious mind for healing and awakens us to the world's magick by increasing our sensitivity to the energetic realms of the Collective Unconscious or Akashic Records. Read more… Ocean Mother Full Moon Initiation This energy healing attunement helps you to harness the transformative energy of the Ocean Mother. It connects you to the divine feminine, lunar wisdom, and oceanic mysteries; it awakens your connection to the goddess energy within and around you, promoting personal empowerment, healing, and the awakening of your spiritual gifts. This energy can also be used for self- healing, and self-empowerment rituals. If you are an empath that struggles to manage your gift and protect your own energy field, working with this energy can help you to strengthen your natural protection. The Ocean Mother can also support you in releasing what no longer serves you in order to create space in your life to manifest your highest good. Read more… I hope these musings have given you some inspiration and encouragement. If you choose to take any of the courses detailed above, I look forward to working with you. And in the meantime, I wish you a magickal & miraculous Full Snow Moon! May the Goddess guide you and embrace you with loving light on your journey to wholeness. With blessings, Maya (8th February 2025)


Energy Updates

for Starseeds,




Healers &

Seekers with


Affirmations to

Inspire Positivity

& Alignment with the Law of


In today’s energy update, we will be looking at the dominant energetic influences and the opportunities they’re creating for us now. We will cover the potential for energetic opposition and explore ways we can circumvent problems or mitigate challenges. And finally, I’ll draw daily cards with guidance and law of attraction affirmations that you can use to align with the current energetic landscape and enhance your positive mindset. I’ve chosen the Pre-Raphaelite Tarot for our reading today. This is a Rider- Waite style deck with the traditional symbolism & characters reflected in the style of Pre-Raphaelite art & featuring some familiar faces for those familiar with the style! The vibrant colours & romantic scenes are captivating & reflect the archetypes perfectly. I’m sure this deck will be a powerful translator of the numinous for us today. So, sit back, relax your shoulders, take a sip of chamomile tea, exhale deeply, and let’s explore… The dominant energetic influence we can tap into over the coming days for the purpose of progressing the spiritual path & pursuing wholeness is reflected in the Hanged Man. This archetype offers us an opportunity to step outside of ourselves and our lives to observe how things are unfolding, allowing us to make changes where we need to or identify areas that things might be improved. It can be hard to disconnect when modern life makes so many demands on your time and attention, but this week, setting aside some time to step away and really appreciate the bigger picture of your life will progress your path in the long run. Suspend your judgement and relax your mind to create space for the Universe to work its magick and manifest miracles in your life. The second card identifies the potential opposition we may face in pursuit of the promises of the first card. And this week, this comes in the form of the Knight of Wands. This is in no way a negative card, but in this position we’re looking at the shadow-aspect of the archetype. The Knight of Wands can have problems with impulse control – which could block you from maintaining your cool, calm approach this week. This archetype also suggests problems might arise from ignoring red flags, or trying to see the good in people to an unhealthy extent. Be mindful of who you connect with this week, and be mindful of where you put your energy. Take action only on things that resonate with your highest spiritual aspirations. And now we turn to the daily cards for the week-ahead. These cards depict & define the archetypal energetic influences we can harness to optimise our personal power & increase our inspiration in the coming days. Monday 10th February 2025…3 of Cups…Be open to the opportunities & the Universe will give you something to smile about! Acknowledge the bounteous blessings & endless enchantment expressed in every majestic moment. The Universe reminds you that everything & everybody is a miraculous manifestation of love. Affirm: “Always & in all ways, I prosper” Tuesday 11th February 2025…Page of Swords…Where you place your attention, you place your power. Rise above fear & limitation by opening your mind to new possibilities. The Universe reminds you that every day brings you closer to happiness when you choose the words & ways that align with your soul. Affirm: “I dance towards my divine destiny” Wednesday 12th February 2025…8 of Pentacles…Channel your energy into developing skills to find your grounding today. Artistic projects offer opportunities for spiritual expression. Your inner light can be shared with the world through your creativity. The Universe reminds you that every act of will is an act of magick. Affirm: “My heart is open to the magickal & miraculous” Thursday 13th February 2025…The High Priestess…Secret & sacred knowledge is held within, so seek spiritual support through your higher self during your meditations today. The Universe reminds you that your intuition & dreams communicate important messages, but its in silence that you’ll hear them most clearly. Keep your own counsel & follow your own path. Affirm: “Peace is my path. Love is my legacy.” Friday 14th February 2025…The Magician…Your skills & savvy come to the fore today. Your talents are fine- tuned & progressive paths are primed. The Universe reminds you that you have grown in expertise & wisdom. Harness the magick of your experience by reflecting on your past accomplishments to inspire yourself today. Affirm: “I am authentically aligned with abundance & expansion” Saturday 15th February 2025…5 of Pentacles…Empower yourself by consciously moving your mind away from thoughts of lack, limitation & lamentation. Define your direction by visualising positive outcomes & inspire yourself by imagining just how brilliantly things could go! The Universe reminds you that energy flows where your attention goes. Affirm: “I manifest miracles & magick” Sunday 16th February 2025…Queen of Swords…You’ve worked hard to get where you are today, so don’t allow others’ criticisms & complaints to dent your self-esteem. Maintain healthy boundaries & keep your own counsel. You can be confident in yourself & your abilities. The Universe reminds you that other peoples’ judgements reflect their truth, not yours. Affirm: “Sovereignty is my strength” PREVIOUS DIRECTORY ------------------------------------------ Mayastar Energy Healing Attunements Personal Energy Healing Sessions Maya Magickal Spells Healing Journey Tarot Readings ------------------------------------------ ALM Facebook Mayastar Facebook Twitter-X Mayastar on YouTube Pinterest Instagram Wordpress
moon goddess ritual for imbolc and the full snow moon
lemurian starseed priestess goddess ritual
blue moon magick with the lemurian goddess amara - abundance ritual