Dark and dramatic image of Maya
Maya Muses Footer for Main Variant
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2024
Maya Muses Page Title for Main Variant
Maya Muses SubHeader for Main Variant
Ophelia's Folly PhotoShoot Image

Maya Muses - Daily Spiritual Guidance Messages for the Collective

Inspiration to enhance your healing journey & spiritual development

March Musings... 31st March 2021...It’s been pretty hectic round here since my last post. I’ve been working on some of the technical stuff for the website updates. It’s been a really educational experience! I now know how to set up a sitemap, submit it to a search engine, amend the DNS settings and htaccess and a bunch of other stuff! If that all sounds like nonsense to you, it sounded like nonsense to me a week ago too! But I’m really getting the hang of being a webmaster now and I enjoy every part of my work. I built my first website in 2004 but a lot’s changed since then! I had a lot to catch up on but my neuro-divergence (autism) stood me in good stead and I thoroughly loved every minute of it! The pause to deal with the techie side of things does mean there’ll be a delay in relaunching this blog…but we’re talking a delay of no more than a couple of weeks so it’s not problematic. I’m really excited The latest Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive started on the 28th March - but I wasn’t able to make extra spaces available for this one because I had a lot of ritual and spellwork scheduled for clients and myself to coincide with the Spring Equinox. But, I will make extra spaces available to accommodate on the next cycle which starts on the 21st April. The Killing Moon Karmic Reversal is my most popular ritual intensive; it clears negative karmic bonds that siphon the flow of energy in a person’s life. Negative karmic bonds can connect us to other people, negative entities, places, memories and habits. So the effect of the full Killing Moon Cycle is deeply healing and comprehensive. Today’s a bit of a lazy day for me. I did some website updates, set up some attunements and emptied my inbox this morning. And for the rest of the day my only plans are to spend some time playing my guitar and singing and completing my full 90-minute Yin Yoga practice this afternoon. The day’s absolutely gorgeous so I may relax in the garden with a good book later! Let’s have a look and see where we should be focuing our energy for the next few days! Today I’m drawing from the Sun and Moon Tarot. I love this deck! Despite my objections to US Games printing their copyright logo on the front of every card, I still love the deck! I switch between the tinned/pocket version of this deck and the regular sized version because I much prefer the black borders of the tinned edition. They really draw me into the artwork! But today I’m working with the regular-sized edition because the larger cards are more inviting for pathworking. I feel like these cards have been stalking me this week! The main energy that The Collective are guided to connect with this week is the 3 of Pentacles which carries the heading “Works”. This card had come up for me every few days this month! It recommends us to put our energy into our work and creative pursuits in the coming days. Grounding the sacred inspiration of the spirit in physical acts of creativity whether they relate to business, hobbies or study, will bring us into a closer alignment with our true and authentic selves this week. It may be a good time to work with others too! Or study the work of others to spark our inspiration! This resonates strongly for me right now! But the cards also give further guidance on how we might best enhance our work… The 2 of Swords carries the heading “Peace” and shows a woman sitting in the lotus position and holding 2 swords. This card reminds us to allocate sufficient time for relaxation, meditation and solitude in order to ensure we recharge our energy during this highly productive time. Balancing our activities can help us to stay grounded. Focusing too much on work can lead to burnout so make sure you temper your “Works” with time for “Peace” this week. Further, the energy of the Prince of Pentacles guides us to focus on our healing journey by showing ourselves kindness and finding our grounding by slowing down, tending to our needs, nourishing our bodies and nurturing our spirits. I’m still working with Bear Medicine at the moment and the Prince of Pentacles has represented the Bear Medicine energy for me. This card reminds us to progress slowly and methodically. Don’t waste time trying to focus the mind on work when you’re stressed. Take the time to prepare for your day with meditation, deep-breathing or journalling to bring you back to yourself so that you can work more effectively and pursue your creative projects with authenticity. I hope this guidance finds you at the right time to assist your spiritual journey! And I wish you sunshine, success and smiles throughout your day 26th March 2021...It’s been a productive week working on website stuff mostly. I make a point to schedule time off for rest and relaxation when I’m doing this kind of work because my autistic brain goes into hyper-focus mode. I can do an inordinate amount of work when I’m in the zone, but if I don’t make myself rest the next day, I burn out fast! So I’ve been doing hectic days followed by rest days! I’ve also got a little trick that helps me unwind after I finish any hyper-focused work…I put on a cartoon to watch in French! I think it works because once my brain switches to French mode, it can’t carry on working because I’m not fluent enough to plan my work or worry in French! If my French improves to the degree that I CAN worry in French, I may have to learn Spanish too. This week’s website work was quite intense because I was learning a lot of stuff as I went. But it’s been a fantastic week and I’ve scheduled some additional space for ritual work this weekend for myself. A gratitude ritual with Maha Lakshmi tonight; a devotiional ritual with Melusine on Saturday afternoon; and Sunday night, a home-blessing with Freya. And now…let’s consult the oracles and find out what guidance they hold for the Mayastar Collective this weekend…drawing from the Numinous Tarot… The cards are: 10 of Bells - 5 of Tomes - 9 of Tomes Our cards for the next few days present a challenge and also an opportunity to manifest changes in our lives by choosing to leave behind things that no longer serve us. The 10 of Bells is traditionally the 10 of Swords and reflects the end of an era or paradigm. It can represent a negative experience like despair or hopelessness; but more often, what it represents is some habit of thinking that’s no longer conguent with the way we feel or live. Something isn’t quite adding up because there’s an old “programme” that conflicts with a new one. And on this occasion, it’s definitely the old one that needs to go. The 5 of Tomes gives a clue to the philosophy that’s no longer serving us. The 5 of Tomes suggests it’s beliefs or habits of thought/behaviour that stem from past experiences of lack and loss. Perhaps in the past you’ve been victimised or traumatised and you still find yourself responding to the world as if those experiences were current. Perhaps you’ve been triggered lately? Well, the cards indicate it’s time for you to cut your losses with the past. Leave behind the old ways of being, and create space for yourself to become something new by changing the way you look at things. The cards have a suggestion for that too! And the 9 of Tomes is a favourite card of mine. It often comes up when it’s time for some healing or grounding of recent changes. So it ties in well with the preceding cards and offers us a solution. To move on from those old mental patterns, we need to get grounded. Take some time out for self-care and self-reflection. This would be a good time to spend a lazy day curled up with a mug of cocoa and your journal…and look at how far you’ve come, how much you’ve changed and consciously release yourself from out-moded habits. The Spring Equinox is a great time to make these kinds of changes. The perfect balance of darkness and light at this time can help us to make powerful changes and enhance our healing journey. I hope you all had a fabulous week! I wish you blessings, beauty and brilliance And I’ll see you here again soon 19th March 2021...Relaxing after another day working on website update stuff! I’ve got ritual work scheduled over the weekend and further rituals for my own magickal practice too. But, in the meantime, I thought I’d dive into the Pre- Raphaelite Tarot (from Lo Scarabeo) to see what’s in the ethers for The Collective over the coming days… …ooh…this is kind of interesting because I’ve drawn all court cards! I read the courts as archetypes seeking expression or offering empowerment; I consider these cards to represent aspects of ourselves that we can explore through ritual, magick, art & meditation in order to more fully integrate their gifts into our daily lives. The Page of Pentacles reminds us to align with our goals and aspirations in the area of work, finances, home & family by reflecting on what we’re grateful for. When we appreciate what we have, we attract more of the things we appreciate into our lives. Further, aligning our energies with the Queen of Wands will enhance the process of manifesting by inspiring us to take action and express our creativity. Perhaps its time to develop a routine that allows more time for you to do nothing so that your creative spirit has a space to step forward and take centre stage. For me, this card often represents the Goddess, Melusine. The final card is the Queen of Cups. This card often comes up for self-care and reminds us to look after our emotional and spiritual needs first, so that we don’t go out into the world, expecting others to fulfill the needs we refuse to fulfill in ourselves. Self-care as an antidote to co-dependence! This aligns very much with those aspects of the Queen of Wands that resonate with Melusine. Focus on independence, freedom and enjoyment of your uniqueness. The Queen of Cups card often represents the Goddess Yemaya for me. I worked with her a great deal in 2020 and channelled Goddess Yemaya’s Bequeathal - very loving, nurturing and deeply healing energies. Perhaps that’s something I’ll focus on during my morning meditations this weekend. XXX 16th March 2021...Working on the new websites has really sparked my creativity! I’ve been creating new “Intersomnia Transmutations” of images from old photoshoots. It’s a truly magickal process for me! And I’m excited to do more Pre-Raphaelite style shoots once the lockdown restrictions lift. The seasonal energies have my creativity blooming! I can’t wait to see what emerges. Today I’ll be working on the artwork for this website specificially. By the time anyone reads this post, you’ll be viewing the fruits of my labour in the margins & background…I hope you’ll enjoy it! This week I’m also performing the rituals and magick for setting up the new Temple Diary. And it’s a really beautiful piece! Hand-crafted by Timmy at TickTockCamden. Beautifully made, it’s a stunning work of art that only I’ll get to appreciate because no-one (and I mean no-one!) is permitted to so much as look at my Temple Diary once it’s prepared & installed in the Temple! That’s the point at which all my spells start their miraculous journey to fruition. And each Temple Diary lasts me for years so I put a great deal of consideration into selecting just the right one. And this one, was just the right one! It’s absolutely exquisite! (see image left). Time to see what the Tarot has to say for the Mayastar Collective today (and whenever you read this, will be the time that these messages are meant to come to you)…I’ll be drawing from the Numinous Tarot by Cedar McCloud (view the deck here). This deck was my most-used deck for 2020. It’s definitely a soul-deck for me. The gender-neutrality & reframing of the suits really vibed with me. Cedar’s artwork is exquisite & the borderless imagery really draws me in. If in doubt, this is the deck I go to because it ALWAYS speaks to me! …WOW! There are some really positive, progressive & prosperous energies at play here! The Explorer of Tomes (in traditional Tarot, the Knight of Pentacles) speaks to me of healing work. Especially grounding and taking the practical steps to gain knowledge through experience. This is the card of the Shaman for me and its appearance doesn’t surprise me as the current special offer through Mayastar is for the Magickal Shaman Lightworker course - so, I’m working a lot with these energies just now, as are many of my students! The appearance of the 9 of Vials (traditionally the 9 of Cups) indicates dreams coming true! This is the perfect time to focus your intentions on what you truly want and hope for because the universe is conspiring in your favour! Align yourself with these bounteous energies by keeping your mind centred on the things you want to attract into your life. And the final card emphasises the manifestation of blessings and spiritual healing in the card of the Ace of Vials (Ace of Cups)! This card can represent the beginning of something - or its fulfillment; the presence of the 9 of Vials implies fulfillment! So, the message for the Collective for today is clear…keep your eyes on the prize! 14th March 2021...March has been a really potent time for me magickally! I’ve spent a good deal of time on Temple work and a 9-day healing ritual with Bear Medicine. Tapping into that power at the start of spring helps me to shake off the deeper and darker shadow-work I did over the winter. The Lightworker Animal Empowerments includes Bear Medicine - though I work most regularly with Dragon, Swan and Wolf! I had a lot of time to reflect on what I wanted to do with this blog - and I’m really excited about it! This blog has been a place for me to express my creativity, as well as for my students and clients to be able to get to know me a bit better. I see those who connect with me on their spiritual and healing journeys as part of the “Mayastar Collective”; a kind of spiritual tribe - with members all around the world, awakening to their spiritual purpose and finding deeper meaning in life. It’s always my intention that people find the right courses, rituals and magick at the right time for them. And that’s what really separates the Mayastar Collective from other groups! Mayastar was founded to provide guidance, support, healing and tuition to those that are ready to take their spiritual development into their own hands! That intention forms the foundation of what Mayastar has grown into since I set up in 2004. Anyway, my Bear Medicine Intensive has really helped me to ground, assess and choose my direction! So, I’m expecting to get this website finished and uploaded by the end of next week! Then, I have the monumental task of redeveloping the Mayastar website. It’s a much bigger site and is liable to take a few months because I’ll be fitting it in around my regular Mayastar and Maya Magickal work. Until the Mayastar website is completed, you can still buy the courses that are due for deletion from the Archive Menu here…. Once the website work’s completed, I’ll be able to focus more on creative projects that have been on hold during the pandemic. And that’s the part of 2021 I’m really looking forward to! And I hope you’ll enjoy it too! And…to wrap up today’s post, let’s see what the Everyday Witch Tarot has to say to the Mayastar Collective…. Oooh! These vibe with me very strongly just now! The Strength card was the predominant energy I worked with during the Bear Medicine Intensive - though, it was the Strength card from the Numinous Tarot that actually features a bear rather than the traditional lion! So I from this, I feel that the energy of the Mayastar Collective is in the process of grounding/healing at the point of transition. We’re collectively finding reserves of inner strength and courage. The King of Pentacles reminds us to appreciate areas of stability and comfort in life. Enjoy and appreciate the comforts of home, good food, good company, pets and security. It may be a good time to consider financial and business plans for the year and to establish connections with family and loved ones. If we align with those currents, we’ll be making some serious progress! The Chariot card suggests that, as long as we ground ourselves with strength, courage and gratitude, we will find direction and make significant progress in all our ventures in the coming days. 1st March 2021...Made an early start today! A long temple-work session before I sat down to enjoy my breakfast cocoa & journalled with the Wild Unknown Tarot while listening to Bach’s Cello Concertos. I’ve been developing some new ritual options for those drawn to more intensive work with particular deities. Some of my regular clients are already enjoying these potent magickal intensives. They’re a variation on the Healing Intensive but with parts of the ritual drawn from the Tantric Shamanic rituals. They can be tailored for specific goals - or worked for general healing and personal empowerment. These intensives include a 30-minute energy healing transmission sent each day and can be completed over a 21- or 30-day period. I expect to be working a lot on these types of peronalised magickal intensives for clients this year & that prospect has me feeling very inspired! They are a variation on the Chakra Healing & Light Body Activation Intensive which can also be tailored for healing or spiritual initiation. 28th February 2021...I’ve decided to start updating blog while I work on the redesign. It’s been a long time since I consistently updated my blog; my time’s been caught up with magickal studies, channelling and learning to use the very software I’m using to rebuild this site! So…let’s have a look and see what The Everyday Witch Tarot has to say for The Collective today…oooh…interesting…the 8 of Cups. This version of the card has different energy to the RWS version which shows a man leaving 8 cups behind on a beach and walking away, giving the reader the idea he may have left these as an offering or sacrifice but whatever he left them for, they’ll be carried away on the tide. The 8 of Cups in the Everyday Witch Tarot shows a female witch leaving the cups behind on a wooden table, and one of the cups seems to have smoke emanating from it, as if some kind of ritual has just been completed. Is there something you’re ready to leave behind but find you’re resisting the need to deal with it because you lack closure? Perhaps now’s the time to think about cutting your losses and accepting that sometimes you have to let go and move on, letting those loose ends be what they are. Trust that resolution will come in time. Because it always comes out in the wash!
Preraphaelite inspired image of Maya with a Blooming Bouquet Tree
Exquisitely detailed leatherbound journal
PreRaphaelite Collage Art
PreRaphaelite Fairy Sitting Under a Tree
Background Dark Image of Anna Louise May
Maya Muses Page Footer for Mobile Website
Anna Louise May (Maya) 2024
Maya Muses Title
Maya Muses Sub Header
March Musings... 31st March 2021...It’s been pretty hectic round here since my last post. I’ve been working on some of the technical stuff for the website updates. It’s been a really educational experience! I now know how to set up a sitemap, submit it to a search engine, amend the DNS settings and htaccess and a bunch of other stuff! If that all sounds like nonsense to you, it sounded like nonsense to me a week ago too! But I’m really getting the hang of being a webmaster now and I enjoy every part of my work. I built my first website in 2004 but a lot’s changed since then! I had a lot to catch up on but my neuro-divergence (autism) stood me in good stead and I thoroughly loved every minute of it! The pause to deal with the techie side of things does mean there’ll be a delay in relaunching this blog…but we’re talking a delay of no more than a couple of weeks so it’s not problematic. I’m really excited The latest Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30- Day Ritual Intensive started on the 28th March - but I wasn’t able to make extra spaces available for this one because I had a lot of ritual and spellwork scheduled for clients and myself to coincide with the Spring Equinox. But, I will make extra spaces available to accomodate on the next cycle which starts on the 21st April. The Killing Moon Karmic Reversal is my most popular ritual intensive; it clears negative karmic bonds that siphon the flow of energy in a person’s life. Negative karmic bonds can connect us to other people, negative entities, places, memories and habits. So the effect of the full Killing Moon Cycle is deeply healing and comprehensive. Today’s a bit of a lazy day for me. I did some website updates, set up some attunements and emptied my inbox this morning. And for the rest of the day my only plans are to spend some time playing my guitar and singing and completing my full 90-minute Yin Yoga practice this afternoon. The day’s absolutely gorgeous so I may relax in the garden with a good book later! Let’s have a look and see where we should be focuing our energy for the next few days! Today I’m drawing from the Sun and Moon Tarot. I love this deck! Despite my objections to US Games printing their copyright logo on the front of every card, I still love the deck! I switch between the tinned/pocket version of this deck and the regular sized version because I much prefer the black borders of the tinned edition. They really draw me into the artwork! But today I’m working with the regular-sized edition because the larger cards are more inviting for pathworking. I feel like these cards have been stalking me this week! The main energy that The Collective are guided to connect with this week is the 3 of Pentacles which carries the heading “Works”. This card had come up for me every few days this month! It recommends us to put our energy into our work and creative pursuits in the coming days. Grounding the sacred inspiration of the spirit in physical acts of creativity whether they relate to business, hobbies or study, will bring us into a closer alignment with our true and authentic selves this week. It may be a good time to work with others too! Or study the work of others to spark our inspiration! This resonates strongly for me right now! But the cards also give further guidance on how we might best enhance our work… The 2 of Swords carries the heading “Peace” and shows a woman sitting in the lotus position and holding 2 swords. This card reminds us to allocate sufficient time for relaxation, meditation and solitude in order to ensure we recharge our energy during this highly productive time. Balancing our activities can help us to stay grounded. Focusing too much on work can lead to burnout so make sure you temper your “Works” with time for “Peace” this week. Further, the energy of the Prince of Pentacles guides us to focus on our healing journey by showing ourselves kindness and finding our grounding by slowing down, tending to our needs, nourishing our bodies and nurturing our spirits. I’m still working with Bear Medicine at the moment and the Prince of Pentacles has represented the Bear Medicine energy for me. This card reminds us to progress slowly and methodically. Don’t waste time trying to focus the mind on work when you’re stressed. Take the time to prepare for your day with meditation, deep- breathing or journalling to bring you back to yourself so that you can work more effectively and pursue your creative projects with authenticity. I hope this guidance finds you at the right time to assist your spiritual journey! And I wish you sunshine, success and smiles throughout your day 26th March 2021...It’s been a productive week working on website stuff mostly. I make a point to schedule time off for rest and relaxation when I’m doing this kind of work because my autistic brain goes into hyper-focus mode. I can do an inordinate amount of work when I’m in the zone, but if I don’t make myself rest the next day, I burn out fast! So I’ve been doing hectic days followed by rest days! I’ve also got a little trick that helps me unwind after I finish any hyper-focused work…I put on a cartoon to watch in French! I think it works because once my brain switches to French mode, it can’t carry on working because I’m not fluent enough to plan my work or worry in French! If my French improves to the degree that I CAN worry in French, I may have to learn Spanish too. This week’s website work was quite intense because I was learning a lot of stuff as I went. But it’s been a fantastic week and I’ve scheduled some additional space for ritual work this weekend for myself. A gratitude ritual with Maha Lakshmi tonight; a devotiional ritual with Melusine on Saturday afternoon; and Sunday night, a home- blessing with Freya. And now…let’s consult the oracles and find out what guidance they hold for the Mayastar Collective this weekend…drawing from the Numinous Tarot… The cards are: 10 of Bells - 5 of Tomes - 9 of Tomes Our cards for the next few days present a challenge and also an opportunity to manifest changes in our lives by choosing to leave behind things that no longer serve us. The 10 of Bells is traditionally the 10 of Swords and reflects the end of an era or paradigm. It can represent a negative experience like despair or hopelessness; but more often, what it represents is some habit of thinking that’s no longer conguent with the way we feel or live. Something isn’t quite adding up because there’s an old “programme” that conflicts with a new one. And on this occasion, it’s definitely the old one that needs to go. The 5 of Tomes gives a clue to the philosophy that’s no longer serving us. The 5 of Tomes suggests it’s beliefs or habits of thought/behaviour that stem from past experiences of lack and loss. Perhaps in the past you’ve been victimised or traumatised and you still find yourself responding to the world as if those experiences were current. Perhaps you’ve been triggered lately? Well, the cards indicate it’s time for you to cut your losses with the past. Leave behind the old ways of being, and create space for yourself to become something new by changing the way you look at things. The cards have a suggestion for that too! And the 9 of Tomes is a favourite card of mine. It often comes up when it’s time for some healing or grounding of recent changes. So it ties in well with the preceding cards and offers us a solution. To move on from those old mental patterns, we need to get grounded. Take some time out for self- care and self-reflection. This would be a good time to spend a lazy day curled up with a mug of cocoa and your journal…and look at how far you’ve come, how much you’ve changed and consciously release yourself from out-moded habits. The Spring Equinox is a great time to make these kinds of changes. The perfect balance of darkness and light at this time can help us to make powerful changes and enhance our healing journey. I hope you all had a fabulous week! I wish you blessings, beauty and brilliance And I’ll see you here again soon 19th March 2021...Relaxing after another day working on website update stuff! I’ve got ritual work scheduled over the weekend and further rituals for my own magickal practice too. But, in the meantime, I thought I’d dive into the Pre-Raphaelite Tarot (from Lo Scarabeo) to see what’s in the ethers for The Collective over the coming days… …ooh…this is kind of interesting because I’ve drawn all court cards! I read the courts as archetypes seeking expression or offering empowerment; I consider these cards to represent aspects of ourselves that we can explore through ritual, magick, art & meditation in order to more fully integrate their gifts into our daily lives. The Page of Pentacles reminds us to align with our goals and aspirations in the area of work, finances, home & family by reflecting on what we’re grateful for. When we appreciate what we have, we attract more of the things we appreciate into our lives. Further, aligning our energies with the Queen of Wands will enhance the process of manifesting by inspiring us to take action and express our creativity. Perhaps its time to develop a routine that allows more time for you to do nothing so that your creative spirit has a space to step forward and take centre stage. For me, this card often represents the Goddess, Melusine. The final card is the Queen of Cups. This card often comes up for self-care and reminds us to look after our emotional and spiritual needs first, so that we don’t go out into the world, expecting others to fulfill the needs we refuse to fulfill in ourselves. Self-care as an antidote to co-dependence! This aligns very much with those aspects of the Queen of Wands that resonate with Melusine. Focus on independence, freedom and enjoyment of your uniqueness. The Queen of Cups card often represents the Goddess Yemaya for me. I worked with her a great deal in 2020 and channelled Goddess Yemaya’s Bequeathal - very loving, nurturing and deeply healing energies. Perhaps that’s something I’ll focus on during my morning meditations this weekend. XXX 16th March 2021...Working on the new websites has really sparked my creativity! I’ve been creating new “Intersomnia Transmutations” of images from old photoshoots. It’s a truly magickal process for me! And I’m excited to do more Pre- Raphaelite style shoots once the lockdown restrictions lift. The seasonal energies have my creativity blooming! I can’t wait to see what emerges. Today I’ll be working on the artwork for this website specificially. By the time anyone reads this post, you’ll be viewing the fruits of my labour in the margins & background…I hope you’ll enjoy it! This week I’m also performing the rituals and magick for setting up the new Temple Diary. And it’s a really beautiful piece! Hand-crafted by Timmy at TickTockCamden. Beautifully made, it’s a stunning work of art that only I’ll get to appreciate because no-one (and I mean no- one!) is permitted to so much as look at my Temple Diary once it’s prepared & installed in the Temple! That’s the point at which all my spells start their miraculous journey to fruition. And each Temple Diary lasts me for years so I put a great deal of consideration into selecting just the right one. And this one, was just the right one! It’s absolutely exquisite! (see image left). Time to see what the Tarot has to say for the Mayastar Collective today (and whenever you read this, will be the time that these messages are meant to come to you)…I’ll be drawing from the Numinous Tarot by Cedar McCloud (view the deck here). This deck was my most-used deck for 2020. It’s definitely a soul- deck for me. The gender-neutrality & reframing of the suits really vibed with me. Cedar’s artwork is exquisite & the borderless imagery really draws me in. If in doubt, this is the deck I go to because it ALWAYS speaks to me! …WOW! There are some really positive, progressive & prosperous energies at play here! The Explorer of Tomes (in traditional Tarot, the Knight of Pentacles) speaks to me of healing work. Especially grounding and taking the practical steps to gain knowledge through experience. This is the card of the Shaman for me and its appearance doesn’t surprise me as the current special offer through Mayastar is for the Magickal Shaman Lightworker course - so, I’m working a lot with these energies just now, as are many of my students! The appearance of the 9 of Vials (traditionally the 9 of Cups) indicates dreams coming true! This is the perfect time to focus your intentions on what you truly want and hope for because the universe is conspiring in your favour! Align yourself with these bounteous energies by keeping your mind centred on the things you want to attract into your life. And the final card emphasises the manifestation of blessings and spiritual healing in the card of the Ace of Vials (Ace of Cups)! This card can represent the beginning of something - or its fulfillment; the presence of the 9 of Vials implies fulfillment! So, the message for the Collective for today is clear…keep your eyes on the prize! 14th March 2021...March has been a really potent time for me magickally! I’ve spent a good deal of time on Temple work and a 9- day healing ritual with Bear Medicine. Tapping into that power at the start of spring helps me to shake off the deeper and darker shadow-work I did over the winter. The Lightworker Animal Empowerments includes Bear Medicine - though I work most regularly with Dragon, Swan and Wolf! I had a lot of time to reflect on what I wanted to do with this blog - and I’m really excited about it! This blog has been a place for me to express my creativity, as well as for my students and clients to be able to get to know me a bit better. I see those who connect with me on their spritual and healing journeys as part of the “Mayastar Collective”; a kind of spiritual tribe - with members all around the world, awakening to their spiritual purpose and finding deeper meaning in life. It’s always my intention that people find the right courses, rituals and magick at the right time for them. And that’s what really separates the Mayastar Collective from other groups! Mayastar was founded to provide guidance, support, healing and tuition to those that are ready to take their spiritual development into their own hands! That intention forms the foundation of what Mayastar has grown into since I set up in 2004. Anyway, my Bear Medicine Intensive has really helped me to ground, assess and choose my direction! So, I’m expecting to get this website finished and uploaded by the end of next week! Then, I have the monumental task of redeveloping the Mayastar website. It’s a much bigger site and is liable to take a few months because I’ll be fitting it in around my regular Mayastar and Maya Magickal work. Until the Mayastar website is completed, you can still buy the courses that are due for deletion from the Archive Menu here…. Once the website work’s completed, I’ll be able to focus more on creative projects that have been on hold during the pandemic. And that’s the part of 2021 I’m really looking forward to! And I hope you’ll enjoy it too! And…to wrap up today’s post, let’s see what the Everyday Witch Tarot has to say to the Mayastar Collective…. Oooh! These vibe with me very strongly just now! The Strength card was the predominant energy I worked with during the Bear Medicine Intensive - though, it was the Strength card from the Numinous Tarot that actually features a bear rather than the traditional lion! So I from this, I feel that the energy of the Mayastar Collective is in the process of grounding/healing at the point of transition. We’re collectively finding reserves of inner strength and courage. The King of Pentacles reminds us to appreciate areas of stability and comfort in life. Enjoy and appreciate the comforts of home, good food, good company, pets and security. It may be a good time to consider financial and business plans for the year and to establish connections with family and loved ones. If we align with those currents, we’ll be making some serious progress! The Chariot card suggests that, as long as we ground ourselves with strength, courage and gratitude, we will find direction and make significant progress in all our ventures in the coming days. 1st March 2021...Made an early start today! A long temple-work session before I sat down to enjoy my breakfast cocoa & journalled with the Wild Unknown Tarot while listening to Bach’s Cello Concertos. I’ve been developing some new ritual options for those drawn to more intensive work with particular deities. Some of my regular clients are already enjoying these potent magickal intensives. They’re a variation on the Healing Intensive but with parts of the ritual drawn from the Tantric Shamanic rituals. They can be tailored for specific goals - or worked for general healing and personal empowerment. These intensives include a 30-minute energy healing transmission sent each day and can be completed over a 21- or 30-day period. I expect to be working a lot on these types of peronalised magickal intensives for clients this year & that prospect has me feeling very inspired! They are a variation on the Chakra Healing & Light Body Activation Intensive which can also be tailored for healing or spiritual initiation. 28th February 2021...I’ve decided to start updating blog while I work on the redesign. It’s been a long time since I consistently updated my blog; my time’s been caught up with magickal studies, channelling and learning to use the very software I’m using to rebuild this site! So…let’s have a look and see what The Everyday Witch Tarot has to say for The Collective today…oooh…interesting…the 8 of Cups. This version of the card has different energy to the RWS version which shows a man leaving 8 cups behind on a beach and walking away, giving the reader the idea he may have left these as an offering or sacrifice but whatever he left them for, they’ll be carried away on the tide. The 8 of Cups in the Everyday Witch Tarot shows a female witch leaving the cups behind on a wooden table, and one of the cups seems to have smoke emanating from it, as if some kind of ritual has just been completed. Is there something you’re ready to leave behind but find you’re resisting the need to deal with it because you lack closure? Perhaps now’s the time to think about cutting your losses and accepting that sometimes you have to let go and move on, letting those loose ends be what they are. Trust that resolution will come in time. Because it always comes out in the wash!
PreRaphaelite Green Fairy Photo of Anna Louise May Mystic Muse and Artist
Steampunk Style Image of a Fairy Princess in PreRaphaelite Style
Leatherbound Book of Shadows Magickal Diary
An ancient tree blooms with roses & a preraphaelite fairy watches the sunset
A PreRaphaelite Fairy is bathed in the light of the stars
Redhair Fairy Princess Turns to Speak
PreRaphaelite Fairy Looks to the Stars & Makes a Wish
Preraphaelite style artwork of a fairy practicing moon magick