Welcome back to the Maya Muses blog! Another hectic week here at Mayastar as I managed to get all the presents wrapped, all the cards written, and put the tree up. With the donkey work out of the way, I feel like I can relax a bit now and start enjoying the festivities. I've even got all the social media and podcast episodes scheduled and ready to go!
DNA Clearing & Activation to Restore Your Energy Body to
its Original Divine Energetic Blueprint with the DNA Flush
This week has seen the addition of a newly restored course to the Mayastar syllabus: the DNA Flush Empowerment - a single attunement modality that activates a potent energy flow that can be used for self-healing, or healing others by cleansing and activating the energetic DNA in order to align the energy body with the original, divine energetic blueprint. This process can help to clear debris from the energy body, eliminate blocks and resolve energetic attachments that are siphoning energy away from the system. It's a simple healing method and one that can be used through focused intent, without the need for special ceremonies, preparations or routines. You can read more about the DNA Flush Empowerment course here...
Odin & the Mythology of the
Wild Hunt: Its Connection to
the Winter Solstice and
In other news, the stormy weather over the weekend has been energetically very powerful too! As a Priestess of Odin, I find storms very energising and a great backdrop to any rituals that connect with Odin, especially in his "Leader of the Wild Hunt" aspect. At this time of year, this energy is always emphasised for me. The Wild Hunt is traditionally believed to be at its most powerful for the period from Samhain on the 31st October, to the Winter Solstice on the 21st December - so we're right in the midst of those currents right now. The Wild Hunt is recorded in many European mythologies so the concept is quite universal. The Hunt is described as a band of supernatural beings - sometimes deities, sometimes fairies, sometimes monsters or evil people, sometimes ghosts - that ride through the skies and across the wildest areas of the countryside, collecting the souls of the deceased and delivering them to their appropriate afterlife. It's said that if you see them before your time, you'll go mad! And it's also said that they make a terrific noise - like howling winds, and screaming storms - racing through the long, cold nights.
Odin’s Connection to Santa & How Christmas Trees Reflect
the Meaning & Magick of the World Tree, Yggdrasil
They might sound very scary, but our mythology around the character of Santa derive from these stories too. Odin shares many characteristics with Santa - the older versions of Santa where you might be punished if you were judged to be bad that year! We might see this as a sort of karmic check-in rather than something to fear! But every year when I put up the Christmas tree in my home, for me, it's a reminder of Odin's presence. The tree represents Yggdrasil - the world tree that connects all the worlds to each other; it connects our world, Midgard, with the world of the gods, Asgard. So putting up the tree has become a sacred ritual in my life and a time to check in with "The Old Man" and reflect on the balance of my own life, and consider my own reasons for celebration.
Shamanic Rituals, Runic Empowerments & Energy Healing
Welcome back to the Maya Muses Blog! Here we are at the beginning of December and shifting into the holiday spirit here at Mayastar. I continue with my healing sessions, spell work and energy attunements throughout the Christmas period but free up time by doing less work on the admin side. So I'm officially starting the chilled out phase of the year from today! Although, today I'm going to start by hennaing my hair and beginning to wrap the presents...if all goes well, the tree might be up by tonight! And once that part of the Christmas work is done, I can start celebrating.
The Diamond of Prosperity Energy Healing Attunement for
Manifesting Success, Financial Blessings, Health, Good
Fortune & Abundance…
This week's been really productive work-wise - I'm making a few tweaks to the Mayastar website to tidy things up (which is work I'll be doing between other things over the coming weeks and months), and I've added another newly restored course to the syllabus this week: The Diamond of Prosperity Attunement. This is a beautiful energy to connect with for manifesting financial success and abundance! But it's also great for manifesting healing, happiness and generally uplifting your mindset. Tuning into these energies can help you to maintain your optimism and openness to positive and progressive change, thereby opening up the paths that will take you closer to the future you desire.
The Angel Journey Activation Course: Connection with
Your Spiritual Support Team…
Last week, the Angel Journey Activations course was restored to the website - a series of 7 attunements to connect with angelic energies and align you with your angel-guides for support, healing and energetic encouragement. There will be more additions in 2025 - so make sure you're subscribed to the Mayastar newsletter to stay up to date!
Wheel of Light Starseed Activation:
The Lemurian Goddess Amara
Energy Healing Attunement Course
with Light-Language Mantra…
This week's special offer is for the Wheel of Light Starseed Activation course: Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement. Amara is the deity I work with most for channelling guidance and healing. She is a Great Mother Goddess with connections to the element of water and spirit, so her presence is very much associated with our psychic development and the awakening of our spiritual gifts. She can be seen as the Mother of Starseeds: a nurturing and supportive presence in the lives of those who feel their connection to the stars, and to the ancient light-beings that originate from the stars. She also shares qualities with other oceanic goddesses like Yemaya and Mary - helping us to discover compassion, self-love and inner peace, as well as protecting those who are sensitive to the demands of 3D reality and seek a spiritual connection. This course includes a light-language mantra and activation symbol to connect with Amara - so if you have felt a calling to divine feminine energy healing, Lemuria or awakening as a Starseed, this attunement could be powerful and transformative for you!
The Bringing Moon Soul Retrieval 30-Day Ritual - A
Powerful Shamanic Ceremony for Deep Healing, Personal
Empowerment & Overcoming Trauma…
In other news, last night was a late one with some extra magickal workings to perform, and tonight is the New Moon, where I'll be starting a new Bringing Moon Cycle - a 30-Day Soul Retrieval Ritual Intensive that works to reclaim your energy and power in a potent healing ceremony. Our energy can become fragmented and parts may be lost to different kinds of trauma over the course of our lives. Many of those traumas are transitory but unless we draw our energy back from them, they can continue to reinforce patterns within our energy field for many years, and may restrict our ability to grow and evolve over time. By drawing back our energy from the places it was lost, we are able to fully integrate our experiences and emerge empowered and stronger than ever before! So tonight will be a bit of a late one with the opening ceremony taking place - but connecting with those renewing energies - the power of rebirth and reinvention - it's always a powerful time for me as a starseeded shaman and witch! I hope your week will be likewise inspiring and joyful! Wishing you peace, prosperity and progress in all you do! With blessings. PREVIOUSNEXTMAYA MUSES BLOG DIRECTORY--------------------------------------------Mayastar Energy Healing AttunementsPersonal Energy Healing SessionsMaya Magickal SpellsHealing Journey Tarot Readings--------------------------------------------ALM FacebookMayastar FacebookTwitter-XMayastar on YouTubePinterestInstagramWordpress
Welcome back to the Maya Muses blog! Another hectic week here at Mayastar as I managed to get all the presents wrapped, all the cards written, and put the tree up. With the donkey work out of the way, I feel like I can relax a bit now and start enjoying the festivities. I've even got all the social media and podcast episodesscheduled and ready to go!
DNA Clearing & Activation to
Restore Your Energy Body to its
Original Divine Energetic
Blueprint with the DNA Flush
This week has seen the addition of a newly restored course to the Mayastar syllabus: the DNA Flush Empowerment - a single attunement modality that activates a potent energy flow that can be used for self-healing, or healing others by cleansing and activating the energetic DNA in order to align the energy body with the original, divine energetic blueprint. This process can help to clear debris from the energy body, eliminate blocks and resolve energetic attachments that are siphoning energy away from the system. It's a simple healing method and one that can be used through focused intent, without the need for special ceremonies, preparations or routines. You can read more about the DNA Flush Empowerment course here...
Odin & the Mythology of the Wild
Hunt: Its Connection to the
Winter Solstice and Storms
In other news, the stormy weather over the weekend has been energetically very powerful too! As a Priestess of Odin, I find storms very energising and a great backdrop to any rituals that connect with Odin, especially in his "Leader of the Wild Hunt" aspect. At this time of year, this energy is always emphasised for me. The Wild Hunt is traditionally believed to be at its most powerful for the period from Samhain on the 31st October, to the Winter Solstice on the 21st December - so we're right in the midst of those currents right now. The Wild Hunt is recorded in many European mythologies so the concept is quite universal. The Hunt is described as a band of supernatural beings - sometimes deities, sometimes fairies, sometimes monsters or evil people, sometimes ghosts - that ride through the skies and across the wildest areas of the countryside, collecting the souls of the deceased and delivering them to their appropriate afterlife. It's said that if you see them before your time, you'll go mad! And it's also said that they make a terrific noise - like howling winds, and screaming storms - racing through the long, cold nights.
Odin’s Connection to Santa &
How Christmas Trees Reflect the
Meaning & Magick of the World
Tree, Yggdrasil
They might sound very scary, but our mythology around the character of Santa derive from these stories too. Odin shares many characteristics with Santa - the older versions of Santa where you might be punished if you were judged to be bad that year! We might see this as a sort of karmic check-in rather than something to fear! But every year when I put up the Christmas tree in my home, for me, it's a reminder of Odin's presence. The tree represents Yggdrasil - the world tree that connects all the worlds to each other; it connects our world, Midgard, with the world of the gods, Asgard. So putting up the tree has become a sacred ritual in my life and a time to check in with "The Old Man" and reflect on the balance of my own life, and consider my own reasons for celebration.
Welcome back to the Maya Muses Blog! Here we are at the beginning of December and shifting into the holiday spirit here at Mayastar. I continue with my healing sessions, spell work and energy attunements throughout the Christmas period but free up time by doing less work on the admin side. So I'm officially starting the chilled out phase of the year from today! Although, today I'm going to start by hennaing my hair and beginning to wrap the presents...if all goes well, the tree might be up by tonight! And once that part of the Christmas work is done, I can start celebrating.
The Diamond of Prosperity
Energy Healing Attunement for
Manifesting Success, Financial
Blessings, Health, Good Fortune
& Abundance…
This week's been really productive work-wise - I'm making a few tweaks to the Mayastar website to tidy things up (which is work I'll be doing between other things over the coming weeks and months), and I've added another newly restored course to the syllabus this week: The Diamond of Prosperity Attunement. This is a beautiful energy to connect with for manifesting financial success and abundance! But it's also great for manifesting healing, happiness and generally uplifting your mindset. Tuning into these energies can help you to maintain your optimism and openness to positive and progressive change, thereby opening up the paths that will take you closer to the future you desire.
The Angel Journey Activation
Course: Connection with Your
Spiritual Support Team…
Last week, the Angel Journey Activations course was restored to the website - a series of 7 attunements to connect with angelic energies and align you with your angel-guides for support, healing and energetic encouragement. There will be more additions in 2025 - so make sure you're subscribed to the Mayastar newsletter to stay up to date!
Wheel of
The Lemurian
Course with Light-Language
This week's special offer is for the Wheel of Light Starseed Activation course: Lemurian Goddess Amara Attunement. Amara is the deity I work with most for channelling guidance and healing. She is a Great Mother Goddess with connections to the element of water and spirit, so her presence is very much associated with our psychic development and the awakening of our spiritual gifts. She can be seen as the Mother of Starseeds: a nurturing and supportive presence in the lives of those who feel their connection to the stars, and to the ancient light-beings that originate from the stars. She also shares qualities with other oceanic goddesses like Yemaya and Mary - helping us to discover compassion, self-love and inner peace, as well as protecting those who are sensitive to the demands of 3D reality and seek a spiritual connection. This course includes a light-language mantra and activation symbol to connect with Amara - so if you have felt a calling to divine feminine energy healing, Lemuria or awakening as a Starseed, this attunement could be powerful and transformative for you!
The Bringing Moon Soul Retrieval
30-Day Ritual - A Powerful
Shamanic Ceremony for Deep
Healing, Personal Empowerment
& Overcoming Trauma…
In other news, last night was a late one with some extra magickal workings to perform, and tonight is the New Moon, where I'll be starting a new Bringing Moon Cycle - a 30-Day Soul Retrieval Ritual Intensivethat works to reclaim your energy and power in a potent healing ceremony. Our energy can become fragmented and parts may be lost to different kinds of trauma over the course of our lives. Many of those traumas are transitory but unless we draw our energy back from them, they can continue to reinforce patterns within our energy field for many years, and may restrict our ability to grow and evolve over time. By drawing back our energy from the places it was lost, we are able to fully integrate our experiences and emerge empowered and stronger than ever before! So tonight will be a bit of a late one with the opening ceremony taking place - but connecting with those renewing energies - the power of rebirth and reinvention - it's always a powerful time for me as a starseeded shaman and witch! I hope your week will be likewise inspiring and joyful! Wishing you peace, prosperity and progress in all you do! With blessings. PREVIOUSNEXTMAYA MUSES BLOG DIRECTORY--------------------------------------------Mayastar Energy Healing AttunementsPersonal Energy Healing SessionsMaya Magickal SpellsHealing Journey Tarot Readings--------------------------------------------ALM FacebookMayastar FacebookTwitter-XMayastar on YouTubePinterestInstagramWordpress