“Intersomnia” means “between dreams” and “Transmutations” is defined as “the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form”. The Transmutations shared below are the result of my unrestrained imagination, ignited by my inspiring love of Pre-Raphaelism, ritual, magick, poetry, tarot and mysticism. The secret doors to the hidden realms are always open to the wild-hearted, bohemian and heretical…let’s explore the fruit of my dalliances on the astral plane and encounters with divinity…seeking the sacred…exalting the eternal…hallowing the heavenly…and unmasking the majestic…between dreams…This gallery includes a selection of recent Transmutations, but you can view my complete gallery on DeviantArt. Also, receive updates & art-shares by following me on Instagram, Tumblr & Facebook.
Intersomnia Transmutions...“Intersomnia” means “between dreams” and “Transmutations” is defined as “the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form”. The Transmutations shared below are the result of my unrestrained imagination, ignited by my inspiring love of Pre-Raphaelism, ritual, magick, poetry, tarot and mysticism. The secret doors to the hidden realms are always open to the wild-hearted, bohemian and heretical…let’s explore the fruit of my dalliances on the astral plane and encounters with divinity…seeking the sacred…exalting the eternal…hallowing the heavenly…and unmasking the majestic…between dreams…This gallery includes a selection of recent Transmutations, but you can view my complete gallery on DeviantArt. Also, receive updates & art-shares by following me on Instagram, Tumblr & Facebook.