Dark and dramatic image of Maya
Maya Muses Footer for Main Variant
Anna Louise May (Mayastar) 2025
maya muses blog of energy healing, spiritual awakening and guidance for starseeds, lightworkers, indigo children and spiritul seekers
maya muses blog of energy healing, spiritual awakening and guidance for starseeds, lightworkers, indigo children and spiritul seekers 2
shamanic moon magick ritual for drawing down the moon power of the great mother goddess
blessings of the lemurian mother goddess amara - moon magick ritual
lightworker starseed with the power of nature within

Maya Muses is the Official Mayastar Blog with Daily Spiritual Guidance &

Mystical Musings for Inspiration on your Healing & Ascension Journey

Read the NEW Lightworker Revolution Article Latest Mayastar Courses

24th November 2024: Energy Healing

with the Sirian Light-Beings & Magick

to Clear Negative Karma & Dissolve

Blocks for the Dark Moon & Winter


Welcome to my latest musings! I hope you've had a great week - and I hope you're feeling ready for the fast- approaching festivities. I'm feeling like I'm on top of it all this year because I'm on track to have all the Christmas shopping done and all the presents wrapped before December starts! And I'm feeling extra accomplished this week because I've also made a start in evaluating the archived courses that will be reintroduced over the coming year - the first one will be released in December. So make sure you stay tuned for some of those magickal healing modalities. It's giving me an opportunity to spice up my daily healing practice too - experimenting with some energy healing systems I haven't worked with for a number of years is firing up my creativity!

Energy Healing Systems for Magic & Ritual: Celtic Reiki, Ethereal

Crystals, Planets Attunements & Run Valdr Runic Reiki…

There are some energy healing modalities that I use exclusively for healing sessions, and others that I draw on intuitively from time to time; but there are also modalities that really lend themselves to magickal work and complement my rituals and spell castings. In particular the Celtic Reiki, Planets Attunements, Ethereal Crystals Healing and Run Valdr systems are ones I reach for often within my shamanic work. But I intend to make a point of working with more energy healing modalities within my ritual practice over the coming year as a way to explore new possibilities with the re-introduced options in my personal practice. So if you’re interested in learning more about ways you can use energy healing, make sure you stay tuned to this blog - and the Mayastar Podcast to hear about my latest experiments!

Integrating New Frequencies & Working with New Energy Healing


When you learn a new energy healing modality, the best way to fully integrate those new energies is to experiment with that energy. You can bring it in when you wake up in the morning, and then ground yourself when you get out of bed; or connect with a particular energy flow while you're doing your daily affirmations, yoga or meditation. But even if you don't have a fixed regular routine when it comes to your spiritual practice, you can incorporate energy healing practices into your daily life by connecting with them during other routine tasks like showering, walking the dog or hoovering.

The Benefits of Energy Work &

Energy Healing Modalities…

There are so many benefits to energy work - and you can unlock those benefits by working regularly with the energy. Even excluding the benefits of the particular modality you're working with (whether it's for healing the body, mind or spirit), the regular practice of tuning into those spiritual energies can help you to develop your focus and concentration during meditation; simply slowing yourself down and taking a few deep breaths before you begin your healing practice can interrupt a racing mind, and calm down your nervous system; and completing your healing sessions with the grounding visualisation can help you to maintain your energy body and protect your energy field.

Connecting with the Sirians & Harnessing the Power of the Pyramid

for Healing, Energy Work, Psychic Awareness, Channelling, Lucid

Dreaming & Astral Travel…

This week's special offer energy healing course is the Sirian Light Pyramid Activation. This is a recent channelling through my work with various Star Tribes for the Wisdom of the Stars Series. The Sirians have connections with various ancient civilisations on the earth but especially with the Egyptians; through this healing system, they connect us with the mystical technology and the healing powers of the pyramid. This sacred geometry allows us to increase the flow of energy, amplify the energy around us, and integrate high frequency energies more effectively. Combining the Sirian Light Pyramid modality with other energy healing systems can intensify the healing potential of your energy work sessions. The Sirian Light Pyramid can also be used to increase your intuition and channelling abilities - especially if combined with the Ocean of Intuition 3rd Eye Activation or the Starseed Psychic Activations modalities. If you want to develop skills in astral travel or lucid dreaming, connecting with this energy before you go to sleep can help you to achieve the altered states of consciousness required. You can even visualise the Light Pyramid over your bed so that you're sleeping within the energetic construct - and then, dissolve the energy and ground it when you get up in the morning! Developing skills in astral travel or lucid dreaming may seem frivolous - like an interesting practice that doesn't really have a purpose - but it definitely has a purpose! If you develop the skill of becoming conscious during sleep, you're training your mind to hold onto information even during altered states - and this can help you to recall or understand more of the information your guides and angels share with you during your spiritual work. When we receive downloads of wisdom from higher beings, it's like a lot of information condensed into a single moment and it can be difficult to interpret those experiences when you're new to energy work. But if you develop skills in maintaining awareness during altered states, you are able to understand the messages conveyed much more easily.

Deep Karma Clearing Ritual to Resolve & Dissolve Negative

Attachments Through the Dark Moon & the Winter Solstice…

In other news this week, there's a powerful Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive coming up soon - the cycle will open on the 30th November and will encompass the darkest night of the year - the Winter Solstice! This ritual will be more intense and will effect deeper clearing because of the seasonal tides - and it's also the perfect time for clearing negative energy, releasing negative karmic bonds, and dissolving harmful attachments as we leave behind 2024 and move into a new year. If you want to know more about this working, you can read about it or purchase it from here: https://www.mayamagickal.net/killingmoon.htm Thank you for spending some time with me today! I hope you'll join me in working with the daily affirmations in the energy update reading for this week so that we can all maintain our highest intentions and align with our highest possible timelines! Have a fabulous week and I wish you peace, prosperity and progress in all you do XX 17th November 2024…Muses…Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening Guidance from Mayastar… Welcome back to the Maya Muses blog! I hope the intensity of the Supermoon and the high frequency energetic tides drawing us towards the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway opening on the 19th have treated you well! It's an exciting time and opportunities for personal breakthroughs, growth and deep healing are in the offing right now. There's a special newsletter going out on the 19th - so if you're not already subscribed to the mailing list, you can join by following this link...

The Mayastar YouTube Channel & Podcast

- Recent Releases Include: Law of

Attraction, Energy Protection, Spiritual Awakening & Developing


I've had a busy week in all the best ways this week - I finally finished scheduling the remastered versions of the Mayastar Unscripted podcast episodes. Episodes 1-31 are being re-released at the moment and you can find them on the Mayastar Podcast YouTube Channel. I've also started recording brand new episodes that will be released from the beginning of 2025. I intend to use this as a place to talk about my spiritual work - especially energy healing practices - and New Age philosophy, spiritual awakening and magick. But I will also be answering your questions - so make sure you subscribe and leave any questions in the comments section of the latest video and I'll be sure to add them to my list for future episodes.

UFOs, UAPs & Disclosure: Extra-Terrestrial & Extra-Dimensional

Contact through the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway Increased

UFO Activity & the Potential for Disclosure

I feel that with the acceleration of the spiritual ascension of our planet, the Pleiadians and Lemurians, and other Star-Tribe Light-Beings, will be around us with increasing frequency over the coming years. Is 2025 the year that the much anticipated "disclosure" will take place? I'm not sure, but I definitely think that the possibility is there with the revolutionary and transformative energies at play through the Ascension Gateway. Certainly, more spiritual seekers, starseeds and lightworkers are feeling the call of their celestial ancestors and waking up to their true mission on earth. I would expect, over the next few years, for sightings of UAPs (UFOs and USOs) to increase all over the world and for more people to experience contact with extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional beings. The solar maximum is also likely to bring us more photonic light showers in 2025. The light around the planet is alive and ever-shifting, and as our energy frequencies rise through our spiritual practices, we are able to tune into those energies and harness them in new ways. Between the aurorae and the increased UAP/UFO activity, 2025 is going to be the year to "keep your eyes on the skies"! Working with Pleiadian and Starseed energies would also be a great way to connect more deeply with the light-beings that are reaching out to us and supporting the global ascension. Wishing you a blessed and beautiful week ahead! X Maya

10th November 2024…Muses…Grounding

through Creativity, Crochet and Keeping

Warm… I hope everyone's having a good

week - and a good month - as we move

into the more intense phase of the

opening of the Age of Aquarius

Ascension Gateway! It's an important

time to focus on grounding, and I've

been doing just that this week with some

crafty projects...stone painting and

making changes to my altar to reflect the

shifting of the seasonal tides.

Channelling your energy into creative

projects can really help to bring you back to

your centre and this time of year, I also like to channel that creative

spark into making crocheted blankets - which serves the double

purpose of being a very relaxing and meditative activity, while

keeping me warm.

Managing Ascension Symptoms with Energy Healing as the Age of

Aquarius Ascension Gateway Approaches

My sense is that grounding is something that's going to come to the fore for a lot of lightworkers and healers this month. The energies at play reflect many opportunities for change and progress - and that's great - but with those high frequencies there can be some ascension symptoms messing with our equilibrium. With the AAA Gateway, the intensity and scope of the energetic shifts can trigger anxiety, lack of concentration, difficulty sleeping and vivid dreams in those who are sensitive or ungrounded. So if you've been experiencing unexpected reactions and emotions in recent weeks, it may be a good time for you to focus on your grounding and energy protection. Working with a modality like the Light Sanctuary Activation or Protection Healing Orb would be good ways to bring yourself back into alignment.

Combining Different Energy Healing Modalities in Distance Healing

Sessions for Transmissions that are Tailored to Each Client

Energetically I've been very active with distance healing sessions and magickal workings for clients. And with the distance healing sessions, I've got a really good routine going. Unless the client wants healing transmissions with a particular energy for a specific goal (like Weight Loss Reiki for Weight Loss, or Negative Entities Clearing Reiki to eliminate negative entities or reverse the evil eye), I consult with my familiar spirits to divine the most auspicious combination for them. This method allows me to really fine-tune the healing transmissions - tailoring them for particular clients and particular situations with unique mixes of energy made just for them. It's really powerful - working with 3 or 4 modalities in each session, and being guided to combine energies that I haven't combined before. Sometimes people ask how it's possible for me to work with so many energy healing modalities and a big part of that is the fact that I teach them; so even systems that I don't work with regularly in my own practice or within the Temple, I work with whenever I send an attunement for that modality. Also, I've been practicing energy healing and teaching it for over 20 years - and in that time, I've actually been attuned to many more systems than I offer through the Mayastar website. I will be offering some of the archived courses again in future, but the archived ones are those I don't work with regularly and which may not have been very popular with clients - so they drop off the syllabus over time to make way for more recent channellings.

Tips & Recommendations for New Energy Healers, Lightworkers &

Spiritual Seekers: Develop Your Skills & Intuition

I recommend those drawn to energy work to learn a variety of energy healing practices in order to develop a variety of skills and different techniques for application. And also to connect with different energy frequencies - which not only helps you to develop your sensitivity to those energies but helps you to develop your intuition in choosing the appropriate and most potent energy to apply for any particular circumstance. The perfect beginners package for energy healing would be: Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Ethereal Crystals Healing, Violet Flame Attunement, Orb of Life, Lemurian Indigo Connections, Rainbow Sequence Healing, Light Sanctuary Activation and Crystal Rose Attunement (find all of these options on the Mayastar website) - a variety of techniques and frequencies that can be used alone or combined together, allowing you to develop your own style and unique practice. You often find that there are particular systems you end up using more than others. For me, those would be the options listed above! But others might resonate with different systems.

Using Energy Healing Techniques in Your Daily Life for Grounding,

Protection, Healing & Empowerment

Another consideration is that your energy healing practice doesn't have to be limited to dedicated sessions. You can work with an energy healing technique while you're cooking your dinner, walking the dog, taking a shower, completing a Yoga flow etc. And the more you work with energy healing techniques, the more it becomes second nature for you to reach for them when you sense the need. Perhaps a difficult family member visits your house, and you automatically perform a Violet Flame clearing of the space to rebalance the energy afterwards; or perhaps you notice you're feeling ungrounded so you automatically draw in Black Tourmaline Ethereal Crystals energy to bring yourself back into alignment. When you start out, you will need to be more conscious of using different energies as you get used to the techniques and the frequency and qualities of the energy; but over time, with consistent practice, the techniques become part of you. Tomorrow is the 11:11 Portal - so this week's energy update below may be of special interest! The daily card for the the 11th is the Knight of Cups - indicating powerful spiritual connections and a great time for exploring your spiritual landscape! I hope you all have a fantastic day and I'll see you back here again soon! I wish you peace, prosperity and progress in all you do! X With blessings, Maya

3rd November 2024…Muses…Channelled

Guidance for Starseeds & Lightworkers,

Solar Maximum Light Energy

Integration, Making & Using the Viking

Runes & Energy Updates…

Welcome to my cosy corner of the internet. This week has been the highlight of my year so far. The Samhain Portal special offer was the Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive - a very powerful working at a very powerful time and the ritual was inspiring! But at this time of year I tend to work more in a magickal context for myself and my clients. Perhaps part of it is the longer nights, meaning I can spend more time in the Temple and start my spell work earlier than I do in the summer. Or maybe it's just the power of the seasonal tides - and the majesty of nature. Watching the leaves come down and almost daily noticing the changes in my favourite trees gives a feeling of a lot of things happening in a short time!

Channelled Spiritual Guidance for Energy Healers, Starseeds &

Lightworkers from the Lemurians, Pleiadians & Arcturians: The Solar

Maximum & the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway

Speaking of which, in my recent channellings with the Lemurians, Pleiadians and Arcturians, behind the scenes on an energetic level there is a great deal of potential – a lot of energy around us as a planet right now. And spiritual sensitives, starseeds and lightworkers who tuned in to those currents may be feeling quite ungrounded at the moment. We are receiving waves of high frequency light energy through the solar maximum, which amplifies the effects of other energetic tides. This is the etheric effect of the solar emissions rather than the visible light that triggers our aurorae, but it is a powerful flow of light that can be grounded by those who are attuned to high vibrational energies, and thereby can be used in our manifesting, magickal and healing work. My students and clients are feeling the pull towards higher alignment - but sometimes that pull manifests as a dissatisfaction or discomfort in the present moment - a signal that the Universe is encouraging you to step forward, out of the limitations and restrictions and into something more expansive; it's a time for deepening into your divinity and embracing your destiny! The AAA Gateway is only a couple of weeks away and I sense that more and more starseeds and seekers are awakening as the energy of that cosmic convergence touches the whole of humanity. There's enormous opportunity for progress in this Gateway but there will be difficult times for the planet and for humanity. So maintaining your energetic boundaries and addressing the areas you need to heal now can prepare you to navigate the upcoming shifts more smoothly. I feel that the Lemurian, Pleiadian, Arcturian and other starseed energies will come to the fore over the next few years. The Star People are supporting us now as they have for millennia. They are extra dimensional beings and operate from a universal perspective which allows them to perceive our potential as a species in a way that we can't. Connecting with them during these times of tumultuous change and turbulence can help us to remember our place in the great unfolding, and bring more of our own light into the world.

The Cure’s New Album 2024

On top of all that, the jubilation didn’t end this week because the Cure released a new album! Which definitely makes 2024 one to remember for me! I was a huge Cure fan when I was a teen but they have remained a favourite part the soundtrack to my life across the decades; so I'm enjoying the new sounds and revisiting the old ones this week! I used to have a habit of choosing my favourite pop music for doing my daily ballet barre - and I'm thinking it would be nice to make a Cure playlist for that...I think that would vibe with me this year!

Making Rune Stones with the Yggdrasil Ritual Intensive

Energetically I've been working with the Lemurians and Arcturians for most of this week, but the Yggdrasil Intensive for the 11:11 Portal is coming up so I've had the runes with me. This year, during the Yggdrasil Intensive I'm recharging a set of wooden runes I hand carved about 20 years ago. They're made of hazel wood from Avebury in the west of the UK. Although my runes are wooden, I think of them as stones because the wood I was drawn to, to create them was found in the middle of a stone circle.

How to Make & Activate Your Own Set of

Norse Runes

To those of my clients that are going to be taking the Yggdrasil Intensive, if you don't have a set of runes, the Yggdrasil Intensive is the perfect opportunity to do so! And it doesn’t have to be complicated - simply holding the relevant rune during the energy transmission for that rune, and then sleeping with it under your pillow is a great way charge and activate those runes. Most people think of runes as being a divination tool – and they are – but they are also much more than that! You can use a set of runes to create a protective circle, or select the energies you wish to embody and place them on your altar as a object of meditation. Each rune represents a different facet of Universal Life Force energy, and by working with each individual current, you can gain insights and deeper connection with the Universe. The runes are just a tool – a symbolic representation of limitless energies – but if you work with them consistently, over a number of years, you build up your own connection and relationship with them. You recognise their individual energies reflected in your own life and experiences as well as in the world around you. So they can become an ally in translating your intuition into something that’s more tangible. If you’d like to learn more about the runes, check out the Rune Valdr/Runic Reiki Course. This post is fast becoming a novel so I had better wind this up! Enjoy this week's energy update, have a beautiful week, and may the force be with you! Bright blessings x Maya PREVIOUS NEXT MAYA MUSES BLOG DIRECTORY -------------------------------------------- Mayastar Energy Healing Attunements Personal Energy Healing Sessions Maya Magickal Spells Healing Journey Tarot Readings -------------------------------------------- ALM Facebook Mayastar Facebook Twitter-X Mayastar on YouTube Pinterest Instagram Wordpress
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Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
maya muses blog of energy healing, spiritual awakening and guidance for starseeds, lightworkers, indigo children and spiritul seekers
maya muses blog of energy healing, spiritual awakening and guidance for starseeds, lightworkers, indigo children and spiritul seekers 2
Read the NEW Lightworker Revolution Article Latest Mayastar Courses 24th November 2024: Energy Healing with the Sirian Light-Beings & Magick to Clear Negative Karma & Dissolve Blocks for the Dark Moon & Winter Solstice… Welcome to my latest musings! I hope you've had a great week - and I hope you're feeling ready for the fast- approaching festivities. I'm feeling like I'm on top of it all this year because I'm on track to have all the Christmas shopping done and all the presents wrapped before December starts! And I'm feeling extra accomplished this week because I've also made a start in evaluating the archived courses that will be reintroduced over the coming year - the first one will be released in December. So make sure you stay tuned for some of those magickal healing modalities. It's giving me an opportunity to spice up my daily healing practice too - experimenting with some energy healing systems I haven't worked with for a number of years is firing up my creativity! Energy Healing Systems for Magic & Ritual: Celtic Reiki, Ethereal Crystals, Planets Attunements & Run Valdr Runic Reiki… There are some energy healing modalities that I use exclusively for healing sessions, and others that I draw on intuitively from time to time; but there are also modalities that really lend themselves to magickal work and complement my rituals and spell castings. In particular the Celtic Reiki, Planets Attunements, Ethereal Crystals Healing and Run Valdr systems are ones I reach for often within my shamanic work. But I intend to make a point of working with more energy healing modalities within my ritual practice over the coming year as a way to explore new possibilities with the re- introduced options in my personal practice. So if you’re interested in learning more about ways you can use energy healing, make sure you stay tuned to this blog - and the Mayastar Podcast to hear about my latest experiments! Integrating New Frequencies & Working with New Energy Healing Systems.. When you learn a new energy healing modality, the best way to fully integrate those new energies is to experiment with that energy. You can bring it in when you wake up in the morning, and then ground yourself when you get out of bed; or connect with a particular energy flow while you're doing your daily affirmations, yoga or meditation. But even if you don't have a fixed regular routine when it comes to your spiritual practice, you can incorporate energy healing practices into your daily life by connecting with them during other routine tasks like showering, walking the dog or hoovering. The Benefits of Energy Work & Energy Healing Modalities… There are so many benefits to energy work - and you can unlock those benefits by working regularly with the energy. Even excluding the benefits of the particular modality you're working with (whether it's for healing the body, mind or spirit), the regular practice of tuning into those spiritual energies can help you to develop your focus and concentration during meditation; simply slowing yourself down and taking a few deep breaths before you begin your healing practice can interrupt a racing mind, and calm down your nervous system; and completing your healing sessions with the grounding visualisation can help you to maintain your energy body and protect your energy field. Connecting with the Sirians & Harnessing the Power of the Pyramid for Healing, Energy Work, Psychic Awareness, Channelling, Lucid Dreaming & Astral Travel… This week's special offer energy healing course is the Sirian Light Pyramid Activation. This is a recent channelling through my work with various Star Tribes for the Wisdom of the Stars Series. The Sirians have connections with various ancient civilisations on the earth but especially with the Egyptians; through this healing system, they connect us with the mystical technology and the healing powers of the pyramid. This sacred geometry allows us to increase the flow of energy, amplify the energy around us, and integrate high frequency energies more effectively. Combining the Sirian Light Pyramid modality with other energy healing systems can intensify the healing potential of your energy work sessions. The Sirian Light Pyramid can also be used to increase your intuition and channelling abilities - especially if combined with the Ocean of Intuition 3rd Eye Activation or the Starseed Psychic Activations modalities. If you want to develop skills in astral travel or lucid dreaming, connecting with this energy before you go to sleep can help you to achieve the altered states of consciousness required. You can even visualise the Light Pyramid over your bed so that you're sleeping within the energetic construct - and then, dissolve the energy and ground it when you get up in the morning! Developing skills in astral travel or lucid dreaming may seem frivolous - like an interesting practice that doesn't really have a purpose - but it definitely has a purpose! If you develop the skill of becoming conscious during sleep, you're training your mind to hold onto information even during altered states - and this can help you to recall or understand more of the information your guides and angels share with you during your spiritual work. When we receive downloads of wisdom from higher beings, it's like a lot of information condensed into a single moment and it can be difficult to interpret those experiences when you're new to energy work. But if you develop skills in maintaining awareness during altered states, you are able to understand the messages conveyed much more easily. Deep Karma Clearing Ritual to Resolve & Dissolve Negative Attachments Through the Dark Moon & the Winter Solstice… In other news this week, there's a powerful Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive coming up soon - the cycle will open on the 30th November and will encompass the darkest night of the year - the Winter Solstice! This ritual will be more intense and will effect deeper clearing because of the seasonal tides - and it's also the perfect time for clearing negative energy, releasing negative karmic bonds, and dissolving harmful attachments as we leave behind 2024 and move into a new year. If you want to know more about this working, you can read about it or purchase it from here: https://www.mayamagickal.net/killingmoon. htm Thank you for spending some time with me today! I hope you'll join me in working with the daily affirmations in the energy update reading for this week so that we can all maintain our highest intentions and align with our highest possible timelines! Have a fabulous week and I wish you peace, prosperity and progress in all you do XX 17th November 2024…Muses…Energy Healing & Spiritual Awakening Guidance from Mayastar… Welcome back to the Maya Muses blog! I hope the intensity of the Supermoon and the high frequency energetic tides drawing us towards the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway opening on the 19th have treated you well! It's an exciting time and opportunities for personal breakthroughs, growth and deep healing are in the offing right now. There's a special newsletter going out on the 19th - so if you're not already subscribed to the mailing list, you can join by following this link... The Mayastar YouTube Channel & Podcast - Recent Releases Include: Law of Attraction, Energy Protection, Spiritual Awakening & Developing Intuition I've had a busy week in all the best ways this week - I finally finished scheduling the remastered versions of the Mayastar Unscripted podcast episodes. Episodes 1-31 are being re-released at the moment and you can find them on the Mayastar Podcast YouTube Channel. I've also started recording brand new episodes that will be released from the beginning of 2025. I intend to use this as a place to talk about my spiritual work - especially energy healing practices - and New Age philosophy, spiritual awakening and magick. But I will also be answering your questions - so make sure you subscribe and leave any questions in the comments section of the latest video and I'll be sure to add them to my list for future episodes. UFOs, UAPs & Disclosure: Extra- Terrestrial & Extra-Dimensional Contact through the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway Increased UFO Activity & the Potential for Disclosure I feel that with the acceleration of the spiritual ascension of our planet, the Pleiadians and Lemurians, and other Star- Tribe Light-Beings, will be around us with increasing frequency over the coming years. Is 2025 the year that the much anticipated "disclosure" will take place? I'm not sure, but I definitely think that the possibility is there with the revolutionary and transformative energies at play through the Ascension Gateway. Certainly, more spiritual seekers, starseeds and lightworkers are feeling the call of their celestial ancestors and waking up to their true mission on earth. I would expect, over the next few years, for sightings of UAPs (UFOs and USOs) to increase all over the world and for more people to experience contact with extra-terrestrial and extra- dimensional beings. The solar maximum is also likely to bring us more photonic light showers in 2025. The light around the planet is alive and ever- shifting, and as our energy frequencies rise through our spiritual practices, we are able to tune into those energies and harness them in new ways. Between the aurorae and the increased UAP/UFO activity, 2025 is going to be the year to "keep your eyes on the skies"! Working with Pleiadian and Starseed energies would also be a great way to connect more deeply with the light- beings that are reaching out to us and supporting the global ascension. Wishing you a blessed and beautiful week ahead! X Maya 10th November 2024…Muses…Grounding through Creativity, Crochet and Keeping Warm… I hope everyone's having a good week - and a good month - as we move into the more intense phase of the opening of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway! It's an important time to focus on grounding, and I've been doing just that this week with some crafty projects...stone painting and making changes to my altar to reflect the shifting of the seasonal tides. Channelling your energy into creative projects can really help to bring you back to your centre and this time of year, I also like to channel that creative spark into making crocheted blankets - which serves the double purpose of being a very relaxing and meditative activity, while keeping me warm. Managing Ascension Symptoms with Energy Healing as the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway Approaches My sense is that grounding is something that's going to come to the fore for a lot of lightworkers and healers this month. The energies at play reflect many opportunities for change and progress - and that's great - but with those high frequencies there can be some ascension symptoms messing with our equilibrium. With the AAA Gateway, the intensity and scope of the energetic shifts can trigger anxiety, lack of concentration, difficulty sleeping and vivid dreams in those who are sensitive or ungrounded. So if you've been experiencing unexpected reactions and emotions in recent weeks, it may be a good time for you to focus on your grounding and energy protection. Working with a modality like the Light Sanctuary Activation or Protection Healing Orb would be good ways to bring yourself back into alignment. Combining Different Energy Healing Modalities in Distance Healing Sessions for Transmissions that are Tailored to Each Client Energetically I've been very active with distance healing sessions and magickal workings for clients. And with the distance healing sessions, I've got a really good routine going. Unless the client wants healing transmissions with a particular energy for a specific goal (like Weight Loss Reiki for Weight Loss, or Negative Entities Clearing Reiki to eliminate negative entities or reverse the evil eye), I consult with my familiar spirits to divine the most auspicious combination for them. This method allows me to really fine-tune the healing transmissions - tailoring them for particular clients and particular situations with unique mixes of energy made just for them. It's really powerful - working with 3 or 4 modalities in each session, and being guided to combine energies that I haven't combined before. Sometimes people ask how it's possible for me to work with so many energy healing modalities and a big part of that is the fact that I teach them; so even systems that I don't work with regularly in my own practice or within the Temple, I work with whenever I send an attunement for that modality. Also, I've been practicing energy healing and teaching it for over 20 years - and in that time, I've actually been attuned to many more systems than I offer through the Mayastar website. I will be offering some of the archived courses again in future, but the archived ones are those I don't work with regularly and which may not have been very popular with clients - so they drop off the syllabus over time to make way for more recent channellings. Tips & Recommendations for New Energy Healers, Lightworkers & Spiritual Seekers: Develop Your Skills & Intuition I recommend those drawn to energy work to learn a variety of energy healing practices in order to develop a variety of skills and different techniques for application. And also to connect with different energy frequencies - which not only helps you to develop your sensitivity to those energies but helps you to develop your intuition in choosing the appropriate and most potent energy to apply for any particular circumstance. The perfect beginners package for energy healing would be: Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Ethereal Crystals Healing, Violet Flame Attunement, Orb of Life, Lemurian Indigo Connections, Rainbow Sequence Healing, Light Sanctuary Activation and Crystal Rose Attunement (find all of these options on the Mayastar website) - a variety of techniques and frequencies that can be used alone or combined together, allowing you to develop your own style and unique practice. You often find that there are particular systems you end up using more than others. For me, those would be the options listed above! But others might resonate with different systems. Using Energy Healing Techniques in Your Daily Life for Grounding, Protection, Healing & Empowerment Another consideration is that your energy healing practice doesn't have to be limited to dedicated sessions. You can work with an energy healing technique while you're cooking your dinner, walking the dog, taking a shower, completing a Yoga flow etc. And the more you work with energy healing techniques, the more it becomes second nature for you to reach for them when you sense the need. Perhaps a difficult family member visits your house, and you automatically perform a Violet Flame clearing of the space to rebalance the energy afterwards; or perhaps you notice you're feeling ungrounded so you automatically draw in Black Tourmaline Ethereal Crystals energy to bring yourself back into alignment. When you start out, you will need to be more conscious of using different energies as you get used to the techniques and the frequency and qualities of the energy; but over time, with consistent practice, the techniques become part of you. Tomorrow is the 11:11 Portal - so this week's energy update below may be of special interest! The daily card for the the 11th is the Knight of Cups - indicating powerful spiritual connections and a great time for exploring your spiritual landscape! I hope you all have a fantastic day and I'll see you back here again soon! I wish you peace, prosperity and progress in all you do! X With blessings, Maya 3rd November 2024…Muses…Channelled Guidance for Starseeds & Lightworkers, Solar Maximum Light Energy Integration, Making & Using the Viking Runes & Energy Updates… Welcome to my cosy corner of the internet. This week has been the highlight of my year so far. The Samhain Portal special offer was the Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive - a very powerful working at a very powerful time and the ritual was inspiring! But at this time of year I tend to work more in a magickal context for myself and my clients. Perhaps part of it is the longer nights, meaning I can spend more time in the Temple and start my spell work earlier than I do in the summer. Or maybe it's just the power of the seasonal tides - and the majesty of nature. Watching the leaves come down and almost daily noticing the changes in my favourite trees gives a feeling of a lot of things happening in a short time! Channelled Spiritual Guidance for Energy Healers, Starseeds & Lightworkers from the Lemurians, Pleiadians & Arcturians: The Solar Maximum & the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway Speaking of which, in my recent channellings with the Lemurians, Pleiadians and Arcturians, behind the scenes on an energetic level there is a great deal of potential – a lot of energy around us as a planet right now. And spiritual sensitives, starseeds and lightworkers who tuned in to those currents may be feeling quite ungrounded at the moment. We are receiving waves of high frequency light energy through the solar maximum, which amplifies the effects of other energetic tides. This is the etheric effect of the solar emissions rather than the visible light that triggers our aurorae, but it is a powerful flow of light that can be grounded by those who are attuned to high vibrational energies, and thereby can be used in our manifesting, magickal and healing work. My students and clients are feeling the pull towards higher alignment - but sometimes that pull manifests as a dissatisfaction or discomfort in the present moment - a signal that the Universe is encouraging you to step forward, out of the limitations and restrictions and into something more expansive; it's a time for deepening into your divinity and embracing your destiny! The AAA Gateway is only a couple of weeks away and I sense that more and more starseeds and seekers are awakening as the energy of that cosmic convergence touches the whole of humanity. There's enormous opportunity for progress in this Gateway but there will be difficult times for the planet and for humanity. So maintaining your energetic boundaries and addressing the areas you need to heal now can prepare you to navigate the upcoming shifts more smoothly. I feel that the Lemurian, Pleiadian, Arcturian and other starseed energies will come to the fore over the next few years. The Star People are supporting us now as they have for millennia. They are extra dimensional beings and operate from a universal perspective which allows them to perceive our potential as a species in a way that we can't. Connecting with them during these times of tumultuous change and turbulence can help us to remember our place in the great unfolding, and bring more of our own light into the world. The Cure’s New Album 2024 On top of all that, the jubilation didn’t end this week because the Cure released a new album! Which definitely makes 2024 one to remember for me! I was a huge Cure fan when I was a teen but they have remained a favourite part the soundtrack to my life across the decades; so I'm enjoying the new sounds and revisiting the old ones this week! I used to have a habit of choosing my favourite pop music for doing my daily ballet barre - and I'm thinking it would be nice to make a Cure playlist for that...I think that would vibe with me this year! Making Rune Stones with the Yggdrasil Ritual Intensive Energetically I've been working with the Lemurians and Arcturians for most of this week, but the Yggdrasil Intensive for the 11:11 Portal is coming up so I've had the runes with me. This year, during the Yggdrasil Intensive I'm recharging a set of wooden runes I hand carved about 20 years ago. They're made of hazel wood from Avebury in the west of the UK. Although my runes are wooden, I think of them as stones because the wood I was drawn to, to create them was found in the middle of a stone circle. How to Make & Activate Your Own Set of Norse Runes To those of my clients that are going to be taking the Yggdrasil Intensive, if you don't have a set of runes, the Yggdrasil Intensive is the perfect opportunity to do so! And it doesn’t have to be complicated - simply holding the relevant rune during the energy transmission for that rune, and then sleeping with it under your pillow is a great way charge and activate those runes. Most people think of runes as being a divination tool – and they are – but they are also much more than that! You can use a set of runes to create a protective circle, or select the energies you wish to embody and place them on your altar as a object of meditation. Each rune represents a different facet of Universal Life Force energy, and by working with each individual current, you can gain insights and deeper connection with the Universe. The runes are just a tool – a symbolic representation of limitless energies – but if you work with them consistently, over a number of years, you build up your own connection and relationship with them. You recognise their individual energies reflected in your own life and experiences as well as in the world around you. So they can become an ally in translating your intuition into something that’s more tangible. If you’d like to learn more about the runes, check out the Rune Valdr/Runic Reiki Course. This post is fast becoming a novel so I had better wind this up! Enjoy this week's energy update, have a beautiful week, and may the force be with you! 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