If you’ve spent time on my websites and followed the Maya Muses Blog, I’m sure you’re aware that something spectacular is happening on an energetic level! This year, a powerful celestial alignment marks the opening of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway; a period of accelerated spiritual growth for humanity, our planet and each of us individually too.
What is the New Age? And what is the meaning of the Age of
This event follows on from the 2012 Harmonic Convergence, which marked the end of the Mayan calendar and heralded the start of the Golden Age of Aquarius. This New Age moves us all, as a collective, from the old paradigm and into something beyond our experiences and expectations. The Age of Aquarius may be experienced as a “clean slate” or an opportunity to start again but in new ways. Leaving behind the old ways of being that aligned us with the Age of Pisces, we progress our spiritual awakening journeys in new ways. The Age of Pisces was about organisation, structure and a whole lot of rules! In contrast, the New Age is about discovering your personal power and walking your unique path. The Universe encourages us to explore the practices and rituals that will help us to connect with our spiritual source.
How to Progress Your Ascension & Spiritual Awakening Path
The Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway opens on the 19th November 2024 when Pluto moves into Aquarius and remains there for almost 20 years. The next 20 years will bring huge changes to our planet, to the human collective and our societies, and to each of us individually too. Those changes exist as potential within us – we were all born at this time in order to experience this monumental shift. And if you feel called to align with the positive potential of this event, as a soul, you likely chose to be incarnated at this time to experience what’s unfolding now! But how the potential of this alignment is translated into reality depends upon us; how we progress depends upon the energy and intentions we bring to the mix.
Setting Your Intentions & Maintaining Your Highest Ideals
So what would you like to bring? If you are thinking about what your spiritual practice might be and how it might evolve over the next two decades, you might imagine yourself as an older, wiser version of yourself in the future; but what does wisdom mean to you? Do you hope to find peace? Do you hope to find healing or insight? Or do you simply hope to feel more aligned and connected with the Divine Source as time passes? All of these intentions and hopes are powerful and important. I think getting clear on what you hope to achieve can be a great way of bringing your focus to your spiritual practice and exploring options that will allow you to work with the energy practices that will support you on your journey. By getting clear on the idea that you want to progress your path on a spiritual level, you invite the Universe and your own intuition to guide you towards that goal. Rather than seeing spiritual awakening as something that happens suddenly and changes everything, learn to appreciate that it’s a journey, and there’s a process, and the first step is in defining your highest ideals; and the next 10,000 steps are maintaining those ideals in a busy, noisy and often troubled world.
The Meaning of Pluto in Aquarius & the Lightworker
Revolution: A Grand Rising
There are some commonalities in the kinds of energy that will be most powerful and beneficial for us at this time and we can discern these by considering what the impact of the planet Pluto might be. Pluto is all about change, rebirth and transformation. Its presence in Aquarius offers us an opportunity to leave behind the things that no longer serve us and which may be blocking us from progressing on a spiritual level. I believe a lot of this will come down to balancing the ego in order to achieve a higher level of consciousness. This kind of work can be difficult but it’s very important and ultimately brings us closer to our divine energetic blueprint: the unique energetic pattern that makes up your soul.In other articles I have discussed courses and recommendations for energy healing practices that can help you to align with this cosmic event, allowing you to make the most of the opportunities the Universe is providing for us. But here, I want to recommend some simple observations you might make in your day to day life to help you stay grounded and maintain your equilibrium during this period of awakening.When Pluto is in Aquarius, revolutions happen! And revolutions tend to create instability and upset as the old ways are left behind and the new ways become established. It’s likely we will see such instability playing out in the world around us over the next 20 years, and that makes it even more important that we tend to our spiritual needs and find ways to stay spiritually connected. Pluto in Aquarius also indicates another kind of revolution – a spiritual revolution! I think of this as being the Lightworker Revolution!
What is a Lightworker?
A Lightworker is someone who chooses to dedicate themselves to their spiritual path with the intention of inspiring, supporting or helping those around them, or contributing to the energy of the world and of humanity in a positive way. A Lightworker may express this calling through energy healing work, counselling, art or creativity, or in any number of ways! The important part is the intention and the conscious alignment with the Universe that motivates the Lightworker’s heart.
Having Faith & Trusting the Universe in the New Age
Maintaining the positive intentions and trusting in the Universe can be challenging. The world isn’t a perfect place and every day, people face diabolical choices and experiences. We all experience trauma in our lives and there are no exceptions to that. A Lightworker consciously chooses to align with the Light and find peace even in the midst of the difficulties. Some people point to this as a tendency to “toxic positivity”, and while that can be a problem for some people, it’s quite possible to be a realist, to experience the pain and difficulties of life, while still maintaining your intention to stay connected with the Universe on a spiritual level; to have faith in the processes of life that we can’t fathom; to believe that what you do here matters and makes a difference on levels you can’t anticipate.
Advice for Aligning with the Law of Attraction, an Optimistic
Outlook & Positive Mindset
Optimism and pessimism are choices we all get to make, multiple times a day! They become habit and define the world we live in and our experience of it. If we align with a pessimistic outlook, the world shrinks around us, we don’t trust other people, we can become very negative and might also become depressed or disconnected if we persist in that energy for too long. Optimism is also a habit; and the thing I enjoy most about it is the fact that it opens up possibilities; you perceive the positive aspects of life and opportunities arise that wouldn’t if you weren’t aligned with an optimistic outlook.To that end, I put a lot of energy into encouraging those positive thoughts in the world! Not just through my courses, teachings and magickal services, but also through the weekly energy updates that you can find on the Maya Muses Blog. These daily messages are intended to inspire and uplift you on your spiritual path. They give you something positive to focus on and daily affirmations you can use to align with the higher frequencies of Light, optimism, hope, healing and happiness.
Daily Meditation & Affirmations for Lightworkers, Starseeds,
Indigo Children & Healers
So one of the practical steps you might take to connect with the energetic opportunities of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Portal, and become part of the Lightworker Revolution, is to read those daily messages as something to meditate on, or use the affirmations as part of your spiritual practice, to help you consciously keep your mind tuned to the Universe and open to the idea that good things can happen; and even when bad or difficult or devastating things happen, something good can still materialise; something can change; and growth is possible. There’s no amount of negative energy that can completely extinguish the possibility of a positive change. That can be something very hard to believe and it requires a certain amount of faith in the Universe! Your Light can shine no matter what is happening around you. If you choose to tune into that Light, it doesn’t prevent bad things or negative experiences from happening, but it can prevent you from feeling lost during those times.
Journalling Your Way to Enlightenment & Keeping a Magickal
Another possibility is to create your own ritual for checking in with yourself and looking at how your mindset is evolving. Changes that happen slowly are often those that last! So don’t be in a hurry and don’t beat yourself up over lapses or regressions. If you keep checking in with yourself, you’ll start to notice the patterns and start to recognise the areas that could do with more work. A great way to do this is to try journalling! Traditionally, in many magickal and mystical systems, the keeping of a magickal diary or journal was considered a vital part of your spiritual practice! Writing down when you completed meditations or energy healing sessions and how they went can help you to identify whether your sessions work best when you wait 2 hours after a meal, or when you avoid drinking coffee and that kind of thing. So in a practical sense, they can help you to fine-tune your practice. But additionally, you can use a journal to write down your dreams and learn to interpret the messages of your unconscious mind; it can be a way to learn the language of your soul as it communicates through symbols. By doing this, you can gain valuable insights and guidance while retaining your connection with your higher spiritual self.So my recommendations for the simple things you can do to align with the profound and transformative energies of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway would be to make aligning with positive thoughts and cultivating an optimistic outlook a daily practice. And make regular journalling a way to check in with yourself and see how you feel and how it’s all going.
Ideas for Journalling to Progress Your Healing Journey &
Awaken Your Intuition
You could journal weekly, whenever you feel like it, or make it part of your daily practice. Even if you’re only writing a few lines, that’s fine! And allow yourself to write down what’s really on your mind. You don’t have to write a novel and you can keep it really brief if nothing much has happened that day. When I started keeping a journal at 15, I used to start each entry with the date, my state of mind, the music I was listening to and the last thing I ate at the top of the entry. I never referred to those “info logs” but it became a habit whereby even if I didn’t want to say much or didn’t know what to write, I would still be able to log those few details and maintain my daily check-ins. The main point is to turn up to your journal with the intention of being honest with yourself. If your day isn’t going well, you can say that! If your day is going brilliantly, write about that too! And if you don’t feel like writing that day but it’s your routine to turn up to your journal and you don’t want to derail your personal commitment to your healing journey, maybe just write a list of things that happened that day, write a poem or draw a picture to express your feelings that day. The more you journal, the more you’ll get in touch with your own feelings and easier it will be for you to align your spiritual practice and adapt your daily habits to move you more towards your Lightworker goals!
Spiritual Discipline & Developing Your Own Powerful Rituals
for Spiritual Growth
Journalling might be a great addition to your routine, but you might prefer a different kind of grounding activity like a daily meditation you never miss or a morning yoga flow, a mindful dog walk or maybe use affirmations during a routine activity like your morning shower or when washing dishes. Fitting your spiritual practice into your existing routine can help you to stick with it!I have a number of activities that I perform each day and which have become part of my spiritual practice but the main one is my Temple work. Every night I complete the Lunar rituals: The Killing Moon Karmic Reversal Intensive, the Luring Moon Abundance Alignment Intensive and the Bringing Moon Soul Retrieval Intensive; these rituals run every month and require daily repetition of the spells on behalf on my clients. This is a practice that continues whatever else is going on in my life! So showing up to the Temple is my routine and I start every session with meditation, and end the session with a grounding visualisation. These rituals and routines become part of your life over time and your spiritual practice becomes as essential to your daily life as going to sleep at night is! It’s a way to make your spiritual practice something that is second nature, rather than something you do when you’re not doing other things.Committing yourself to even a short meditation each day – perhaps just 10 or 20 minutes – can allow you to dedicate yourself to your spiritual journey. You might use the time for meditation, or you could be more flexible with how you use that time. Perhaps using it for honing your spiritual skills by practicing your visualisation, using a mantra or completing an energy healing session and allowing your intuition to guide you to the activities that would be most useful to you at that time. By committing yourself to a dedicated period of time, each day, no matter what else is going on would be a powerful way to progress your path to wholeness!I hope this article has inspired you! If you want to read more about the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway and get some course recommendations for aligning with these intense and inspiring currents, please follow this link…XX Maya (2024)LEARN MORE: The Greatest Spiritual Awakening Convergence of the Aeon: The Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway
If you’ve spent time on my websites and followed the Maya Muses Blog, I’m sure you’re aware that something spectacular is happening on an energetic level! This year, a powerful celestial alignment marks the opening of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway; a period of accelerated spiritual growth for humanity, our planet and each of us individually too.
What is the New Age? And what
is the meaning of the Age of
This event follows on from the 2012 Harmonic Convergence, which marked the end of the Mayan calendar and heralded the start of the Golden Age of Aquarius. This New Age moves us all, as a collective, from the old paradigm and into something beyond our experiences and expectations. The Age of Aquarius may be experienced as a “clean slate” or an opportunity to start again but in new ways. Leaving behind the old ways of being that aligned us with the Age of Pisces, we progress our spiritual awakening journeys in new ways. The Age of Pisces was about organisation, structure and a whole lot of rules! In contrast, the New Age is about discovering your personal power and walking your unique path. The Universe encourages us to explore the practices and rituals that will help us to connect with our spiritual source.
How to Progress Your Ascension
& Spiritual Awakening Path
The Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway opens on the 19th November 2024 when Pluto moves into Aquarius and remains there for almost 20 years. The next 20 years will bring huge changes to our planet, to the human collective and our societies, and to each of us individually too. Those changes exist as potential within us – we were all born at this time in order to experience this monumental shift. And if you feel called to align with the positive potential of this event, as a soul, you likely chose to be incarnated at this time to experience what’s unfolding now! But how the potential of this alignment is translated into reality depends upon us; how we progress depends upon the energy and intentions we bring to the mix.
Setting Your Intentions &
Maintaining Your Highest Ideals
So what would you like to bring? If you are thinking about what your spiritual practice might be and how it might evolve over the next two decades, you might imagine yourself as an older, wiser version of yourself in the future; but what does wisdom mean to you? Do you hope to find peace? Do you hope to find healing or insight? Or do you simply hope to feel more aligned and connected with the Divine Source as time passes? All of these intentions and hopes are powerful and important. I think getting clear on what you hope to achieve can be a great way of bringing your focus to your spiritual practice and exploring options that will allow you to work with the energy practices that will support you on your journey. By getting clear on the idea that you want to progress your path on a spiritual level, you invite the Universe and your own intuition to guide you towards that goal. Rather than seeing spiritual awakening as something that happens suddenly and changes everything, learn to appreciate that it’s a journey, and there’s a process, and the first step is in defining your highest ideals; and the next 10,000 steps are maintaining those ideals in a busy, noisy and often troubled world.
The Meaning of Pluto in Aquarius
& the Lightworker Revolution: A
Grand Rising
There are some commonalities in the kinds of energy that will be most powerful and beneficial for us at this time and we can discern these by considering what the impact of the planet Pluto might be. Pluto is all about change, rebirth and transformation. Its presence in Aquarius offers us an opportunity to leave behind the things that no longer serve us and which may be blocking us from progressing on a spiritual level. I believe a lot of this will come down to balancing the ego in order to achieve a higher level of consciousness. This kind of work can be difficult but it’s very important and ultimately brings us closer to our divine energetic blueprint: the unique energetic pattern that makes up your soul.In other articles I have discussed courses and recommendations for energy healing practices that can help you to align with this cosmic event, allowing you to make the most of the opportunities the Universe is providing for us. But here, I want to recommend some simple observations you might make in your day to day life to help you stay grounded and maintain your equilibrium during this period of awakening.When Pluto is in Aquarius, revolutions happen! And revolutions tend to create instability and upset as the old ways are left behind and the new ways become established. It’s likely we will see such instability playing out in the world around us over the next 20 years, and that makes it even more important that we tend to our spiritual needs and find ways to stay spiritually connected. Pluto in Aquarius also indicates another kind of revolution – a spiritual revolution! I think of this as being the Lightworker Revolution!
What is a Lightworker?
A Lightworker is someone who chooses to dedicate themselves to their spiritual path with the intention of inspiring, supporting or helping those around them, or contributing to the energy of the world and of humanity in a positive way. A Lightworker may express this calling through energy healing work, counselling, art or creativity, or in any number of ways! The important part is the intention and the conscious alignment with the Universe that motivates the Lightworker’s heart.
Having Faith & Trusting the
Universe in the New Age
Maintaining the positive intentions and trusting in the Universe can be challenging. The world isn’t a perfect place and every day, people face diabolical choices and experiences. We all experience trauma in our lives and there are no exceptions to that. A Lightworker consciously chooses to align with the Light and find peace even in the midst of the difficulties. Some people point to this as a tendency to “toxic positivity”, and while that can be a problem for some people, it’s quite possible to be a realist, to experience the pain and difficulties of life, while still maintaining your intention to stay connected with the Universe on a spiritual level; to have faith in the processes of life that we can’t fathom; to believe that what you do here matters and makes a difference on levels you can’t anticipate.
Advice for Aligning with the Law
of Attraction, an Optimistic
Outlook & Positive Mindset
Optimism and pessimism are choices we all get to make, multiple times a day! They become habit and define the world we live in and our experience of it. If we align with a pessimistic outlook, the world shrinks around us, we don’t trust other people, we can become very negative and might also become depressed or disconnected if we persist in that energy for too long. Optimism is also a habit; and the thing I enjoy most about it is the fact that it opens up possibilities; you perceive the positive aspects of life and opportunities arise that wouldn’t if you weren’t aligned with an optimistic outlook.To that end, I put a lot of energy into encouraging those positive thoughts in the world! Not just through my courses, teachings and magickal services, but also through the weekly energy updates that you can find on the Maya Muses Blog. These daily messages are intended to inspire and uplift you on your spiritual path. They give you something positive to focus on and daily affirmations you can use to align with the higher frequencies of Light, optimism, hope, healing and happiness.
Daily Meditation & Affirmations
for Lightworkers, Starseeds,
Indigo Children & Healers
So one of the practical steps you might take to connect with the energetic opportunities of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Portal, and become part of the Lightworker Revolution, is to read those daily messages as something to meditate on, or use the affirmations as part of your spiritual practice, to help you consciously keep your mind tuned to the Universe and open to the idea that good things can happen; and even when bad or difficult or devastating things happen, something good can still materialise; something can change; and growth is possible. There’s no amount of negative energy that can completely extinguish the possibility of a positive change. That can be something very hard to believe and it requires a certain amount of faith in the Universe! Your Light can shine no matter what is happening around you. If you choose to tune into that Light, it doesn’t prevent bad things or negative experiences from happening, but it can prevent you from feeling lost during those times.
Journalling Your Way to
Enlightenment & Keeping a
Magickal Diary
Another possibility is to create your own ritual for checking in with yourself and looking at how your mindset is evolving. Changes that happen slowly are often those that last! So don’t be in a hurry and don’t beat yourself up over lapses or regressions. If you keep checking in with yourself, you’ll start to notice the patterns and start to recognise the areas that could do with more work. A great way to do this is to try journalling! Traditionally, in many magickal and mystical systems, the keeping of a magickal diary or journal was considered a vital part of your spiritual practice! Writing down when you completed meditations or energy healing sessions and how they went can help you to identify whether your sessions work best when you wait 2 hours after a meal, or when you avoid drinking coffee and that kind of thing. So in a practical sense, they can help you to fine-tune your practice. But additionally, you can use a journal to write down your dreams and learn to interpret the messages of your unconscious mind; it can be a way to learn the language of your soul as it communicates through symbols. By doing this, you can gain valuable insights and guidance while retaining your connection with your higher spiritual self.So my recommendations for the simple things you can do to align with the profound and transformative energies of the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway would be to make aligning with positive thoughts and cultivating an optimistic outlook a daily practice. And make regular journalling a way to check in with yourself and see how you feel and how it’s all going.
Ideas for Journalling to Progress
Your Healing Journey & Awaken
Your Intuition
You could journal weekly, whenever you feel like it, or make it part of your daily practice. Even if you’re only writing a few lines, that’s fine! And allow yourself to write down what’s really on your mind. You don’t have to write a novel and you can keep it really brief if nothing much has happened that day. When I started keeping a journal at 15, I used to start each entry with the date, my state of mind, the music I was listening to and the last thing I ate at the top of the entry. I never referred to those “info logs” but it became a habit whereby even if I didn’t want to say much or didn’t know what to write, I would still be able to log those few details and maintain my daily check-ins. The main point is to turn up to your journal with the intention of being honest with yourself. If your day isn’t going well, you can say that! If your day is going brilliantly, write about that too! And if you don’t feel like writing that day but it’s your routine to turn up to your journal and you don’t want to derail your personal commitment to your healing journey, maybe just write a list of things that happened that day, write a poem or draw a picture to express your feelings that day. The more you journal, the more you’ll get in touch with your own feelings and easier it will be for you to align your spiritual practice and adapt your daily habits to move you more towards your Lightworker goals!
Spiritual Discipline & Developing
Your Own Powerful Rituals for
Spiritual Growth
Journalling might be a great addition to your routine, but you might prefer a different kind of grounding activity like a daily meditation you never miss or a morning yoga flow, a mindful dog walk or maybe use affirmations during a routine activity like your morning shower or when washing dishes. Fitting your spiritual practice into your existing routine can help you to stick with it!I have a number of activities that I perform each day and which have become part of my spiritual practice but the main one is my Temple work. Every night I complete the Lunar rituals: The Killing Moon Karmic Reversal Intensive, the Luring Moon Abundance Alignment Intensive and the Bringing Moon Soul Retrieval Intensive; these rituals run every month and require daily repetition of the spells on behalf on my clients. This is a practice that continues whatever else is going on in my life! So showing up to the Temple is my routine and I start every session with meditation, and end the session with a grounding visualisation. These rituals and routines become part of your life over time and your spiritual practice becomes as essential to your daily life as going to sleep at night is! It’s a way to make your spiritual practice something that is second nature, rather than something you do when you’re not doing other things.Committing yourself to even a short meditation each day – perhaps just 10 or 20 minutes – can allow you to dedicate yourself to your spiritual journey. You might use the time for meditation, or you could be more flexible with how you use that time. Perhaps using it for honing your spiritual skills by practicing your visualisation, using a mantra or completing an energy healing session and allowing your intuition to guide you to the activities that would be most useful to you at that time. By committing yourself to a dedicated period of time, each day, no matter what else is going on would be a powerful way to progress your path to wholeness!I hope this article has inspired you! If you want to read more about the Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway and get some course recommendations for aligning with these intense and inspiring currents, please follow this link…XX Maya (2024)LEARN MORE: The Greatest Spiritual Awakening Convergence of the Aeon: The Age of Aquarius Ascension Gateway